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way2funni t1_jbp5an4 wrote

It's all part of the new world order. this line from the press release tells you what's up:

"...The deal, struck in Beijing this week amid its ceremonial National People's Congress, represents a major diplomatic victory for the Chinese as Gulf states perceive the United States slowly withdrawing from the wider Middle East. ....

Iran is OPEC's 3rd largest producer of crude oil and 5th largest producer of natural gas.

SA has 2nd largest oil reserves in the world. Between the two they have enough oil to last 200 + years each. Collectively a bit more.

tl;dr China is thirsty. Playing matchmaker/dealmaker ensures the taps stay open with multiple redundancies.


Sk-yline1 t1_jbri04w wrote

Tbh though, it’s good for all countries to not have a massive war in the Middle East that would likely be sponsored by opposing sides like the US and Russia, could drag on for a decade, and would cause gas and energy prices to double