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LadyAsharaRowan t1_jc92z0x wrote

I totally believe that it died on the spot from a broken heart.

So where I work at the entire building is glass and it's a tall building. The geese hit the glass windows and landed on one of the patios. It's mate was just walking back and forth circling around it. I totally get crying about it. Like I said it sent me down the research rabbit hole to understand them better.

We have a lot of geese near my building. They have those sound machines that actually try to deter them from landing in the pond nearby, but it doesn't really do much of anything.


000f89 t1_jc9j1a4 wrote

Your building should look into bird-safe films to stick on the glass. The birds will see it and understand they can’t fly through. It can save so many bird lives!


Aalnius t1_jcb55hc wrote

i dunno birds be dumb my bedroom window is super dirty at the moment but it doesn't seem to stop birds scaring the absolute shit out of me every now and again by just flying full pelt into it.


BokononWave t1_jcb6llq wrote

Solid (opaque) elements on windows do work, even if it's dirty it can reflect the sky or nearby trees. If you'd like to reduce the jump scares there are stickers you can put on the glass!


Aalnius t1_jcb770b wrote

its a council owned property and ill hopefully be moving out soon. So for now ill handle the spontaneous heart health check ups by the birds.


If_In_Doubt_Lick_It t1_jcb7ffk wrote

Birds can see light in the uv spectrum. There are films and repellants you can apply that fluoresce to them in daylight. So they can see it and we can not.

Its a fun research dive. Theres a lot of birds that have uv reactive markings that we cannot see on them, but they can.