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GrammarHypocrite t1_jc9nw7f wrote

As a new widower, I'm now jealous of a goose. So that's fun.


SkinHairNails t1_jc9r5yu wrote

I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I hope your pain eases.


GrammarHypocrite t1_jc9ryv6 wrote

Thank you, I'm laughing at stuff like this at least. Grief is weird sometimes.


SkinHairNails t1_jc9u36b wrote

Grief is just the most absurd and chameleonic emotion. I can't say it's any one thing, truly - in any given moment it might be minimal, it might be overwhelming and crushing waves, it might be funny, it might feel fine and it might feel like you'll never recover. I feel it in my chest so strongly when it's acute. Being able to laugh is strength, even if it doesn't feel like it.


GrammarHypocrite t1_jca8sot wrote

Chameleonic is such a good descriptor for grief! I cannot predict how I'm going to feel from one hour to the next. Just got to keep riding those waves.

I hope wherever you are on your journey that it's kind as it can be to you.


cfo6 t1_jcc0mj6 wrote

I just lost my Dad recently and this is so accurate. It also brings up old grief as you manage the fresh. Ridiculous and important but also just so difficult.


SharrasFlame t1_jcb3yiu wrote

My dad became a widower in summer 2020, shortly before his 80s birthday. He was in such deep grief (they were married for over 50 years)... Late last year, he hooked up with a nice lady of similar age (and through online dating!), now she moved in with him.

In other words: Hang in there, there may still be someone for you.

Or who knows, as time passes, you may find happiness without a partner as well. The grief will pass. Slowly, and in waves, but eventually they'll get smaller and smaller.


kharmatika t1_jcav19m wrote

Hey you’ll find a new goose. I know it’s tough, but you deserve happiness and she would want you to find someone to care for one another.