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ParagonSaint t1_jcuibaa wrote

Bacteria Smegma being made into energy? .. did I read that right?


Antekuru t1_jcw60kb wrote

More like bacteria in your smegma create energy from thin air. According to wikipedia, M. smegmatis got its name because it was found in normal, healthy smegma. Fun fact: due to its reputation as a “fast-grower” and its structural similarity to the pathogen that causes tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis), its considered a “model organism” used often in research labs.


pirso t1_jcx468k wrote

I read somewhere that During world war 2 the British air force dropped special propaganda leaflets on enemy soldiers. Those leaflets described how one can fake tuberculosis by smoking shredded newspaper mixed with tobacco and giving smegma-spiced sputum to trick the field medics.