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ThisHasFailed t1_jcxlk84 wrote

The same Spain that excluded hunting dogs from that law so they can be abused as much as they wish? Roped behind a car running, underfed, tortured, and abandoned? That Spain?


GretaTs_rage_money t1_jcxyjcj wrote

Yup, that Spain. I'm going to Madrid in a few days and am only going to vegan cafes and restaurants. No way I'm giving anyone else my money.


Papshed t1_jcyjl35 wrote

Buddy, there are so many absolutely wonderful restaurants out here in Madrid which have the upmost respect for the meat they serve they’d slap you if you left a slice of jamon iberico in your plate. Hell some even keep the meat customers don’t eat and make meals out of them to feed the staff at the end of the night. Don’t put everything in the same basket, there are amazing people out there.