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Ok-Parking-893 t1_jdche28 wrote

If it's supposed to be "normalizing the equipment and teaching empathy through doll play" then it damned well should show those symptoms or it's a pretty pathetic attempt at their stated goal.


whatfuckingever69 t1_jdcxjpj wrote

It shows her with a curved spine, which is likely going to be the most visible symptom for a toddler or child. It also shows the equipment- a back brace. What a miserable life you must lead, always finding the bad. I think this doll is a great step in the right direction. It is okay if it does represent every person ever.


Ok-Parking-893 t1_jdem99c wrote

If this doll seems helpful to you that's your prerogative. Strikes me and as you can see in the comments some others as something else. As to your insult that I have a miserable life; As you might say, whatfuckingever. 🙄


whatfuckingever69 t1_jdfa677 wrote

I love how triggered people get by my username lol. Who woulda thought


Ok-Parking-893 t1_jdff2by wrote

Yeah, that's it, I was "triggered". Do you even understand what that word means? If you get the response I gave a lot, maybe it's more because "what fucking ever" is an appropriate response to a lot of the shit you say. LOL