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pawnman99 t1_jdm6g57 wrote

I'm asking if these specific tactics show any signs of working. Because of they aren't, maybe the protestors should think about adjusting their methods. From the coverage I've seen, all they're doing is paying off the people in the middle instead of winning them over.


RoboFleksnes t1_jdmbydi wrote

As far as I can tell, it sure seems like the amount of protests and the participants of these protest is on the rise and has been for the last decade or so.

So it at least doesn't seem like it is alienating more people than it is fostering.

I agree that the coverage makes it seem like these are just some petulant children who make life bad for the average Joe, but to be fair, the same can be said for practically all protests. So maybe, just maybe, the coverage is biased towards upholding the status quo, and maybe we shouldn't listen to those who wants to uphold the status quo if that is keeping us on the path to climate collapse.