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Sonacka t1_jdntdvg wrote

They didn't cause congestion, the number of cars did. If the cars weren't there or pulled to the side then the emergency vehicles could get through.


pawnman99 t1_jdnukhl wrote

The emergency vehicles could get through a chain of people blocking the entire road?

You guys are even more optimistic than I thought.


Sonacka t1_jds9j90 wrote

Yes. I don't know if you know this but most people have functional legs and can walk. Those that don't will have another way of moving out of the way for emergency services...


pawnman99 t1_jdsiqrs wrote

Like... waiting for the police to show up and remove them?


Sonacka t1_jdsme6y wrote

Do you have any evidence or links to articles that say these protesters stopped emergency vehicles from passing? Or are you just grumpy that these people blocked the roads for regular cars for a while?


pawnman99 t1_jdss35x wrote


Sonacka t1_jdszcbc wrote

Source 1 was definitely irresponsible of the protestors. Glueing yourself to something on the road is very irresponsible. Even if they didn't mean to delay the fire engine they are in the wrong.

In source 3 it paints the picture that the protestors were blocking emergency services, but the last part of the article shows the fire engine made it through, and still made it to where it needed to go within 14 minutes. The reversing ambulance appears to be reversing to face the protestors. Either it's going to ram through them, or maybe there is room for the ambulance to go through?

Source 3 shows the ambulance struggling to get through traffic. I don't know the layout of the roads but again it doesn't look like the protestors are blocking the road and stopping the ambulance from getting through, it's the amount of traffic in the way stopping the ambulance. Again though, people glueing themselves to the road is unacceptable.

Source 4 is a very weird source. The protests may or may not have contributed to the amount of traffic (I honestly have no idea, but for the sake of the argument, I'll agree that they did). The two people had their car hit after being in standstill traffic for four hours. That is not the result of the protests, that's just the result of a criminal driver. The 40 minutes for the ambulance to get there is very high, but it doesn't say how long the ambulance should have taken on a regular day, so maybe it's not much higher?


pawnman99 t1_jdt0bsv wrote

Do you really think the protests are unrelated to the amount of traffic on the road? And that the amount of traffic is unrelated to delaying emergency vehicles?

And yeah, protesters are acting irresponsibly. That's my whole point.


Sonacka t1_jdtb21p wrote

The protesters are related to the amount of traffic stuck on the road. But they aren't related to the drivers poor ability to let emergency vehicles through. They should all leave enough room for them to pass, just like the protesters did in one of your sources. Some protestors are acting irresponsibly I agree.