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PoorlyAttired t1_jdhjcvl wrote

Guess which word the Daily Mail used when reporting this moral stand? 'Woke'.gif


Constant-Parsley3609 t1_jdhjmep wrote

What does peaceful protest even mean at this point? Destroying historic monuments? Blocking ambulances? Defacing unrelated paintings? Looting stores?

Using an important issue as an excuse to disrobe yourself of any and all social and cultural limitations just seems so dishonest.

> I'm raising awareness of climate change!

Who's awareness are you raising. Climate change hasn't been a controversial issue for the general public in this country for at least a decade, if not longer.

> I'm sticking it to the government/police/bankers!

By invading art museums and blocking commuters? If you want to send a message to those in power, then go to the places that those people reside. Don't lash out at people that are completely unrelated to your frustration.

The merit and value of peaceful protest is being eroded by these pseudo-protests. What happened to boycotts and hunger strikes and chanting outside of parliament? How did we get this point where peaceful protesting is just code for "try to get arrested while holding a banner".


Ormyr t1_jdi8vjc wrote

Less ethical lawyers staunchly support corporations and shareholders declaring climate protestors imminent threat: "(they) were coming right for us" and promise to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. /s


Suitable-Jackfruit16 t1_jdibzx0 wrote

Oh no. We have citizens in a democratic nation exercising their right to peacefully protest and express themselves. Quick! Someone call the army on these goddamned red commies!


PaxNova t1_jdie90y wrote

Can anybody explain what he cab rank rule is? In the US, lawyers can choose not to represent somebody if they don't want, apart from perhaps public defenders.


Existing_Ad1428 t1_jdijibe wrote

Peaceful protestors should never be prosecuted. Why is that even up for debate? It’s the protestors who destroy, litter, and cause public disorder who should be prosecuted, regardless of what they’re protesting against. Someone throws soup on a painting in a museum? Jail. Someone throws paint on a person? Jail. Someone attacks a police man? Straight to jail. Someone just putting up a banner and raising awareness around an issue? Absolutely fine and many times even needed!


johnn48 t1_jdiq2he wrote

“Peacefully Protest” is a nebulous term. It can vary from the bus boycotts of Birmingham to the march in Selma. However did “Unite the Right” White Supremacists have the right to rally in Charlottesville. When does a Peaceful Protest and march turn into an attempted insurrection. Does blocking a road, preventing access to an abortion clinic or meat packing plant cross the line. Does gluing yourself to work of valuable work of art or interfering in athletic games. All I’m saying is saying we won’t prosecute peaceful protesters is a slippery slope without clear parameters.


SilverNicktail t1_jdiqhq4 wrote

It's most definitely a response to the UK government passing multiple laws to criminalise protest. The state has made it clear that they will prosecute and harass any protest they don't like, and you'd better believe that includes climate protesters.


alternatingflan t1_jdjd62e wrote

Watch out - a persistence of this kind of behavior may give lawyers a good reputation!


RanCestor t1_jdjjyd5 wrote

Peaceful protest is a bit of an oxymoron I think but a lawyer can always argue those people aren't actually doing anything also.


Elibrius t1_jdjkblt wrote

Whoa, is this people actually trying to make the world a better place


Newish_Username t1_jdjw4ig wrote

Lawful and peaceful protestors should never be prosecuted. Just be peaceful, don't hurt people, and for the love of everything holy, don't fucking block traffic. I have zero sympathy that end up like an Armadillo crossing a highway in Texas.


Uondene t1_jdk0ysy wrote

Very dangerous picking one crime from another .What about Tv license?What about not wearing seat belts?


Heliolord t1_jdkesin wrote

Fiery but peaceful type protestors or the regular kinds who just carry signs?


Gallalad t1_jdklj5j wrote

I understand the moral aspect but this is a bad precedent imo. These aren't just solicitors saying they won't be hired by certain corporations but prosecutors. If they set the precedent that a barrister can refuse to prosecute a case for political reasons then you create partisan barristers which risks ruining the impartiality of the legal system.


Capable-Raccoon-6371 t1_jdkof8n wrote

And by peaceful protestors they mean someone protesting at home, without contacting anyone, or going outside. Just chillin in their kitchen all mad and stuff.


Divallo t1_jdkri1f wrote

The UK already passed a huge variety of strict weapon laws and now wants to crack down on peaceful protest for being slightly disruptive. Where is the line?

Food for thought. Putting peaceful climate protestors in prison for being mildly disruptive is itself disruptive.

From my POV it seems like the elites who own the economy are systematically pacifying the population and targeting who they perceive to be a threat viciously.


Sonacka t1_jdktzh2 wrote

Disruption is peaceful as long as there is no violence or damage done. You could shut down all of the roads in a city with a protest and as long as there is no property damage, violence, verbal harassment and ambulance/fire engines are able to pass through then it's peaceful.


hecramsey t1_jdl3jwx wrote

marked by freedom from dispute, strife, violence, or disorder"


Vermaxx t1_jdl4hzi wrote

As of 2019, the full EU was 6.4% of ghg. The US was 11. China was 27%. China is more than the USA plus EU plus India. You can almost fit in Indonesia too.

Protestors risking criminal charges to fight a system that at best would barely slow world collapse even if it fully ended TODAY, in a reality where Biden says we'd need "at least" another decade, deserve to be prosecuted.


Gallalad t1_jdlbabq wrote

Appointed. This is not a political job. Usually they're veteran barristers (trial lawyers) of at least 15 years who's job it is is to be the prosecutor on behalf of the crown (just a fancy way of saying the state), hence Kings Counsel.

Recourse here is that they're gonna be put before the bar and since they broken the cab rank rule which specifies that a barrister must take a case they are qualified for, provided they are available to do so.


Vermaxx t1_jdlhni9 wrote

Why the fuck would per capita matter? They're MASSIVELY HIGHER THAN ALL OF THE DEVELOPED WORLD.

If you think Britain owes some kind of equity debt for carbon, fine. The British empire can fade into obscurity.


MorganRose99 t1_jdliegs wrote

Can the lawyers be penalized for this

If so, that's insane, it's literally peaceful protesting


ohheyisayokay t1_jdliffu wrote

"We aren't the worst offender, so don't ask us to stop offending" is not a compelling argument.

And I'm not even sure what you think if we expand your views beyond this one issue. That collapse is inevitable, so we'd better keep law and order today even if it hastens chaos tomorrow? That we shouldn't try a little bit because it's actually going to take a lot? That people should accept that they're doomed and just sit down with that quietly instead of making elected officials uncomfortable about inaction?


WellGroomedPrimate t1_jdlk5dd wrote

And yet they'd have no qualms with defending a child rapist. UK barristers are not meant to pick and choose what cases they represent. Whilst it is commendable they have taken a moral stand the fact they choose this over far more heinous crimes is insulting and shows how privileged and out of touch they are.


CyberSkepticalFruit t1_jdlkm5f wrote

Barristers have to work the next case as it becomes available. They can ask the judge to be recused from the case if they have grounds, but I don't think a UK judge would accept the barristers reasons in this sort of case.


birnabear t1_jdlnohq wrote

Because its the only way to compare two nations of vastly differing populations.

Otherwise the world as a whole has 100% ghg. Without breaking down to per capita its a useless comparison


Vermaxx t1_jdlp6wq wrote

But sure let's say I did this math right. China has a quotient of 0.01917 per pop, the entire rest of my example is 0.01051 per pop. And that's everyone together, not singling out Britain.

Correct. Every single person in China doubles the average of everyone in USA, EU and India. This isn't actually realistic though because massive portions of China's population are still backwater rural people. It means China's megacities are the most carbon polluting sources on earth.

I still don't see how protestors in Britain take themselves seriously. Even in the US it's laughable.


Boblar t1_jdlxzvz wrote

They will if we let them.

Those artworks will be useless with no one to view them. Poor political decisions and weak management disrupt more emergency responses than these protesters ever could.

Redirect your outrage. This is all just a symptom of failures of leadership; don’t blame the people doing whatever they can to reverse these trends. What are you doing about it? Voting ever further to the right?


birnabear t1_jdlysyp wrote

Nope, which is precisely why when looking at relative success or failure to minimise CO2 output, per capita is a better comparison. We are one planet, so arbitrary national boarders are less important than getting the global output down. It's via per capita you see where the best gains can come from.


RoboFleksnes t1_jdm06bf wrote

If we keep the current course, the climate will collapse.

If all cars idle on the street from now until forever, the climate will collapse.

If cars idle for one day and it inspires change, the climate might not collapse.


Sepof t1_jdm4gw1 wrote

Uhh... so if no one ever protested or advocated for anything to be done.... do you think anything would be?


This isn't a case of "protesting is the clear answer to sold all problems." It's a case of "protesting is one of the few things we CAN do to ensure the people that CAN do something, do."


Your logic is bad. I hope you've already realized this, considering everyone is telling you the same thing.


Sepof t1_jdm52q6 wrote

Suppose a group of passengers on a boat suddenly notices that the boat is sinking due to a small hole, but that they all have buckets of varying sizes they could use to offset the incoming water.


Using your logic, only passengers with large buckets should bother throwing out water, because they will have the most impact.


In a life or death situation, WHICH THIS IS, do you think this is a wise decision if you want to give your boat time to reach shore or find rescue?


If small contributors do nothing, China certainly will not. Protests create pressure, which can and ALREADY HAS had an impact.


It's a good thing for you that society has built up safety nets for people with poor survival skills, cause yours are lackin.


Sepof t1_jdm5d8d wrote

This guy's logic is profoundly troubling. What's more troubling is that his vote counts as much as ours. And there are tons of people like him, who literally can't think past their own completely meaningless existence.


Not that any of us have much more meaning, but christ.. at least we are trying to continue the species and planet. Imagine thinking "welp, shits bad but it isn't directly my fault, so might as well just lay down and enjoy my job at Wells Fargo til it all ends."


Dinin53 t1_jdm5inv wrote

There is a very good reason that Justice is depicted as wearing a blindfold. These barristers are flying in the face of that. It is not up to them to legislate from the bench or decide what is right and wrong. People who commit crimes or break the law invariably believe that they had a valid reason for doing so. It isn't up to barristers to decide if that reason is legitimate; it is up to a jury of peers of the accused. By refusing to prosecute based on their own political views, these barristers are effectively perverting the natural course of justice in this country.


pawnman99 t1_jdm6g57 wrote

I'm asking if these specific tactics show any signs of working. Because of they aren't, maybe the protestors should think about adjusting their methods. From the coverage I've seen, all they're doing is paying off the people in the middle instead of winning them over.


nataliepineapple t1_jdm7tnx wrote

If the protesters don't get their way, the consequences to humanity will be far more severe than the loss of a few paintings. I'd happily see every old painting covered in soup if it resulted in meaningful climate action.


nataliepineapple t1_jdma4zc wrote

"Protesters risking criminal charges" is the problem. It shouldn't be illegal to protest - even if the problem they're complaining about isn't a big deal to you.

But your numbers are meaningless if half the stuff in the EU and US says "Made in China" on it. We are absolutely a big part of the climate problem.


RoboFleksnes t1_jdmbydi wrote

As far as I can tell, it sure seems like the amount of protests and the participants of these protest is on the rise and has been for the last decade or so.

So it at least doesn't seem like it is alienating more people than it is fostering.

I agree that the coverage makes it seem like these are just some petulant children who make life bad for the average Joe, but to be fair, the same can be said for practically all protests. So maybe, just maybe, the coverage is biased towards upholding the status quo, and maybe we shouldn't listen to those who wants to uphold the status quo if that is keeping us on the path to climate collapse.


Juuna t1_jdmcw9m wrote

Ok. So what is peaceful? Glueing yourself to the street "seems" peaceful until you realize you are ruining peoples days or even lives. Is throwing milk on the floor in a supermarket peaceful? Or are you ruining peoples day at work having to clean up your mess? What about throwing paint on a politicians home? Is that peaceful certainly no one got hurt right?


el_grort t1_jdmmdpl wrote

Yeah, we got our laws on guns because of Hungerford (which made the first big raft) and Dunblane massacres. They've also been perfectly fine, and iirc the Republic of Ireland manages well with similar gun laws. Northern Ireland allows guns for self defence, but Northern Ireland is a very peculiar and unique country.

The anti-protest laws were done by the post-Brexit lunge to the far right that Johnson and Truss spearheaded. It was not part of some major plot, it was the result of authoritarians like those two and the ERG suddenly being able to wield power due to a massive political crisis in the UK.


Vermaxx t1_jdn0lob wrote

There's a lot of "protest" actions that absolutely should be illegal, for the exact reasons we see things escalate when those laws are ignored.

If nothing is illegal, nothing is risked, and nothing is gained. The civil rights movement succeeded because of public outcry to the biased enforcement... and martyrdom.

Right now climate activism lacks martyrs.


dragodrake t1_jdn5aeu wrote

In the UK the decision to prosecute is made by the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) who are themselves barristers/solicitors on the government payroll - however they do not prosecute the case in court.

The CPS keep a list of approved barristers for criminal cases who they can basically sub-contract the work out to, to actually prosecute the case in court on behalf of the crown.

The cab rank rule basically means those on the approved list arent allowed to pick and choose, the CPS assigns cases to the next in line and they are expected to accept the work irrelevant of the case. Its technically meant to work the same for people looking for a legal professional to defend them, they shouldn't be turned away based on the case, but in actuality its usually fairly easy to find a 'conflict' or a 'diary overlap' if you really don't want to do it.

Its also worth noting a bunch of the people who signed this declaration are not actually barristers on the CPS's approved list - so they couldn't prosecute these cases on behalf of the crown even if they wanted to, its just virtue signalling.


Sepof t1_jdnv9ew wrote

That's rather presumptuous to assume you know the intentions of a country you've likely never been to, know little about, and don't even speak the language of.

That being said, what is the goal of the US then? Seems like both countries are competing for the same thing...

The point is, advocating for a species-wide common goal shouldn't be a bad thing. Whataboutism on humanities survival is laughably stupid.


Vermaxx t1_jdnwe4w wrote

Name a single up and coming world power that had ever settled for second best. Name one that didn't use violence once their competitor collapsed economically. I really don't understand this China apologist crap. They're humans, run by an authoritarian regime. The only goal is more power, not peaceful stagnation.


coldfunk t1_jdo7jxx wrote

No, they haven't. The lawyers who have said this aren't able to prosecute them anyway, it's a dangerous performance piece which is going to make MOP who don't know better (and much of the mainstream media) believe that those who do prosecute choose to do so. They don't. We have the cab rank rule which prevents barristers picking and choosing the cases they represent. This is a list of non-criminal and retired barristers, academics and solicitors, none of whom would be called upon to prosecute because they wouldn't be allowed to.

If you want to know the truth about this have a read of the thread by Alex Wright (@alexwright174) or of the secret barristers timeline on Twitter.


Gallalad t1_jdoemkw wrote

Its all good. Honestly its one of those things which I'm struggling to adapt to (I moved to North America) and the fact you are such a democratic society is sometimes jarring, partisanship is the norm. Like even your school boards, police and judges are elected. Back in Ireland I couldnt even elect my own senator.


ohheyisayokay t1_jdptzdx wrote

"What difference does a single grain of sand make?" asked every grain on the beach.

Even if the amount Britain contributes doesn't make a difference (and if you had IVs of poison dripping into your veins, don't tell me you would leave one on just cause it wasn't the one dripping the most), Britain's actions make a difference. Countries look to other countries as examples. Countries feel pressure from the actions of other countries. Britain might not make the biggest difference, but they can set an example.

Or Britain can sit, lazy as a turd on a log, and do nothing because "why should I be the first one to do a good thing? Why should I stop doing a bad thing if someone else is doing it worse?" and let everyone else feel comfortable pointing at everyone else instead of doing anything, and we can all go down pointing.

So no, Britain isn't going to solve the climate crisis on its own. But asking it to stop being part of the problem isn't crazy.


Sonacka t1_jds9j90 wrote

Yes. I don't know if you know this but most people have functional legs and can walk. Those that don't will have another way of moving out of the way for emergency services...


Sonacka t1_jdsal3n wrote

They were not trying to injure or kill the drivers. I agree that it might have injured or killed drivers/race staff but I do not think those protestors had any thought about how dangerous it would be for others if they entered the track. They are idiots that would have thought they would shut the race down. Nowhere in that article does it say they entered the race track with intent to kill or injure, only that their actions could have harmed people.

I don't agree with the actions of those protestors and believe they should be prosecuted but they were not trying to injure or kill people like you say.


Sonacka t1_jdsme6y wrote

Do you have any evidence or links to articles that say these protesters stopped emergency vehicles from passing? Or are you just grumpy that these people blocked the roads for regular cars for a while?


Sonacka t1_jdszcbc wrote

Source 1 was definitely irresponsible of the protestors. Glueing yourself to something on the road is very irresponsible. Even if they didn't mean to delay the fire engine they are in the wrong.

In source 3 it paints the picture that the protestors were blocking emergency services, but the last part of the article shows the fire engine made it through, and still made it to where it needed to go within 14 minutes. The reversing ambulance appears to be reversing to face the protestors. Either it's going to ram through them, or maybe there is room for the ambulance to go through?

Source 3 shows the ambulance struggling to get through traffic. I don't know the layout of the roads but again it doesn't look like the protestors are blocking the road and stopping the ambulance from getting through, it's the amount of traffic in the way stopping the ambulance. Again though, people glueing themselves to the road is unacceptable.

Source 4 is a very weird source. The protests may or may not have contributed to the amount of traffic (I honestly have no idea, but for the sake of the argument, I'll agree that they did). The two people had their car hit after being in standstill traffic for four hours. That is not the result of the protests, that's just the result of a criminal driver. The 40 minutes for the ambulance to get there is very high, but it doesn't say how long the ambulance should have taken on a regular day, so maybe it's not much higher?


pawnman99 t1_jdt0bsv wrote

Do you really think the protests are unrelated to the amount of traffic on the road? And that the amount of traffic is unrelated to delaying emergency vehicles?

And yeah, protesters are acting irresponsibly. That's my whole point.


Itsumishi t1_jdt4mx6 wrote

Peaceful has nothing to do with disruptive though. Disruptive is literally the point of a protest. If its not disruptive it isn't a protest.

People standing on footpaths/roads with signs: disrupting pedestrians/traffic.

Boycotting a company: disrupting sales.

Standing outside a building chanting: disrupting people's access to employment or generally being noisy and disrupting their work.


Sonacka t1_jdtb21p wrote

The protesters are related to the amount of traffic stuck on the road. But they aren't related to the drivers poor ability to let emergency vehicles through. They should all leave enough room for them to pass, just like the protesters did in one of your sources. Some protestors are acting irresponsibly I agree.


ohheyisayokay t1_jdtcbrz wrote

You keep ping ponging between this nirvana fallacy argument and a straw man argument to justify doing nothing.

So far you have argued against stopping anything because

A) it's unreasonable to ask for 100% cessation and you imply that 100% or 0% are the only options B) you assume China will never stop C) you apparently believe that you should only do what's right when everyone else is already doing it.

You assume, and I think incorrectly, that taking decisive climate action will be too Britain's detriment. You seem to forget that an oil dependency is a military liability as well as an economic liability, and where most of the oil in the world comes from.

If you can't think of a way in which the rest of the world can pressure China to take action, you lack imagination.


Vermaxx t1_jdte468 wrote

How does one pressure the new world power once that nation takes control? China will never have to cooperate because they either stay second rate (and we won't invade) or they supplant the west (and we won't invade).

You're a zealot. If I'm not saying anything values then stop tagging me. I know I can't convince you you're wrong, because you fully believe the world will end soon. I've heard them say the world is ending soon for thirty years. The only thing that changes is the reason and the date... but no missed dates ever force an admission that things aren't as dire as claimed. The warnings just get more dire and the demands get more extreme.


Vermaxx t1_jdtvbff wrote

Unless you're colloquially referring to "jail" as "prison," then no. Civil disobedience results in misdemeanor charges. Obstructing roadways, attacking people, using violence or property destruction are all possible avenues for FELONIES, which can lead to prison. Committing felonious acts for shock value to cause political change is one definition of terrorism.


ohheyisayokay t1_jdtxp3e wrote

Oho! You almost got me with this one. It almost looked relevant, until I remembered that prison time has fuckall to do with whether prosecutors being charges or not.

Did you lose track of the history of the conversation? We're talking about UK prosecutors refusing to prosecute for peaceful protests, and you're changing the subject to "peaceful protests don't lead to prison time."



Vermaxx t1_jdty76m wrote

How does someone go to prison if they're not charged with a crime? The sign says "no prison." I'd expect prosecutors to know what level of charges they're vacating and be technically precise. Ergo, they're not planning on sticking to misdemeanor charges, they plan on excusing felonies.


ohheyisayokay t1_jdujp5i wrote

What the fuck? You have to be trolling at this point. Otherwise I am alarmed by how confused you are.

Let's look at how far off you are with this stretch:

  1. You apply US legal terms to UK legal matters. The UK has no misdemeanors and felonies, that distinction was legally abolished in the mid 20th century.

  2. You are now taking a sign you saw in a photo of a protest and applying its text to the intentions of a wholly separate group of people: the prosecutors.

  3. You pull your bizarre logic from all over the place, whether it's connected or not. Assumptions about the US legal system, assumptions about the intent of the lawyers, and extrapolations from the text of one sign at a protest.

You're reaching hard and ignoring facts in favor of your conjecture.


georgepearl_04 t1_jdupklc wrote

You'd have to be brain dead to not realise that you were going to seriously hurt someone/kill them. They are extremely fortunate that Russell crashed out Zhou otherwise they'd already be dead/facing murder charges.


Sonacka t1_jdwgwub wrote

I'm going to go out on a limb then and say that they are brain dead. They are extremists who want to make headlines and also get arrested. If you think about it like that then stopping formula 1 makes for a great headline. How will they stop formula 1? By standing on the track so the cars can't go round. They are not smart people, their logic could legitimately be as flawed as that. Just because you, a rational person, can see the immediate flaw in their logic doesn't mean they can.