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229-northstar t1_je04ie4 wrote

My bet is the two charged white guys got mad that the young black woman changed her mind about purchasing a car from them and acted like racists usually do

This was my immediate thought on reading the article. Then I went looking for pictures of the participants to confirm. The two young guys look like the khaki-clothed Charlottesville racists

Edit I see that I misread the article. There are two different dealerships involved


OkTop9308 t1_je1n57b wrote

The Racine car dealer that gifted the woman the car is different from the dealer whose salesperson peed on the license.

From the article:

Greene says he couldn't believe how the woman was treated by this other shop; that's when he decided to do something to make it right. He made a call on Facebook to get in touch with the woman.

“I just thought, ‘Hey she needs a car, she was car shopping. I have plenty of cars.’”

On Thursday, he met with her and gave her a free car off the lot.


eghost57 t1_je0jr1m wrote

Could be a race thing but my default is it is not. I'm white and bought a car from a dealer that had a 7-day return policy and the associate was white. When I called to tell him I changed my mind he had a fit over the phone and started swearing at me. When I brought the car back I made sure the manager knew what happened. The guy lost an opportunity at selling me a different car because he was just a psycho who couldn't handle failure.


toxicblitzkriegg t1_je0rlc8 wrote

Yeah man but did he snap your drivers license and piss on it? What that sales person did to you was definitely unprofessional but snapping and pissing on your DL? I think that’s beyond being unprofessional.