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Id_in_hiding t1_je11dug wrote

It’s how this country was built—on immigrants.


Hidanas t1_je1eprg wrote

And slavery. And stealing land from indigenous peoples. But yea I guess also immigrants.


hypnos_surf t1_je1mel8 wrote

Pretty much every major country and empire has been founded on slavery and conquering lands.


[deleted] t1_je27lp2 wrote



DoTheCreep_ahh t1_je2e38r wrote

Don't forget to add dash of "god says we need to do this" so that there is divine justification for mass murder and theft as well


TARANTULA_TIDDIES t1_je1jnr1 wrote

>And slavery.

Well to be fair, most of the slaves weren't indigent to the US either.

>And stealing land from indigenous peoples.

I think conquering would be the proper word right? Not debating the morality of it, just pointing out that taking land with your country's military is something that all country's did during that time frame, given the ability.

>But yea I guess also immigrants.



kalirion t1_je1xa0g wrote

> I think conquering would be the proper word right?

Conquering in some cases. Stealing / conning in others.


deadkactus t1_je215qv wrote

Conquered means they killed enough to take over. Its babaric. And yes, everyone did it.


dbxp t1_je30wiw wrote

It's a little different from normal as normally the population would stay where they were but the leadership would change rather than the natives being pushed off the land. For example when the British colonised India the Indians weren't forced to leave.


Keyplace t1_je1pc11 wrote

That's not how you spell "Indigenous". The word "indigent" means something else. Also, please do some research before expressing an uneducated opinion.

"In spite of a later tendency in the Southern colonies to differentiate the African slave from the Indian, chattel slavery was built on a preexisting system of Indian slavery.

Even though the arrival of Africans in 1619 began to change the face of slavery in North America from “tawny” Indian to “blackamoor” African, Indian slaves were exported throughout the Caribbean often in trade for Africans.

During this transitional period, Africans and Americans Indians shared the common experience of enslavement."

Edit: lmao y'all really dislike looking truth in the face huh


bignutsx1000 t1_je2rqkc wrote

And we're lucky to live in a time unlike any other in which that we can talk about and address these issues, even just knowing of them; move forward knowing the sins of our fathers and make a just world from a flawed history which we cannot change


ItsBaconOclock t1_je36ffx wrote

Sir or Madam,

You are in Reddit, where comments must be in the form of a teenage edge lord ranting. Example:

"I don't see the point, bad stuff happened in the history book I skimmed in class today. Did you ever hear about [insert atrocity here]?! This proves that everything is absolutely irredeemable!

I mean, I've never been anywhere or done anything, but I definitely know that it's all bad, everything's bad.

I mean, my parents grounded me! No one understands me!!"

Please take these positive comments, where you remind others that we live in the absolute best time in human history, to a place that deserves it.



Ruuuh t1_je46iio wrote

Impressive how comments like this, perfectly factual, get downvoted to oblivion. People do love their comfortable bubbles.


cbri t1_je1fkch wrote

Lets not pretend the USA is evil because some of the deeds done in the past.

The USA has done the most work trying to bring free & democracy to oppressed people.

If they failed it's not their fault the people they were trying to help didn't keep what was given to them.

De Oppresso Liber


JavaTea t1_je1hq8q wrote

Oh you sweet Summer child...


cbri t1_je1mr9l wrote

You can hate on the usa all you want you're just wrong.


MinimumWade t1_je1oddy wrote

The USA has been meddling in the affairs of the rest of the world for the best part of the last 100 years to further their own interests to the detriment of many.


tehpenguins t1_je1vfkn wrote

That's the thing. You can totally dislike something, and that's okay.


BikerJedi t1_je1yc84 wrote

>The USA has done the most work trying to bring free & democracy to oppressed people.

As someone who actually served in our military - no we haven't.


speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_je1npdq wrote

>Lets not pretend the USA is evil because some of the deeds done in the past.

The USA is evil because of the deeds it continues to do to this day.

Which it continues to claim to be righteous every time.


cbri t1_je2zj57 wrote

Not going to argue with anti-american people.

Let's ask Ukraine if they think the USA is evil like you all think.

Whatever. You can hate on something all you want. I just hope you're not in the USA doing it.


speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_je3aalm wrote

> Not going to argue with anti-american people.

Proceeds to argue.

> Let's ask Ukraine if they think the USA is evil like you all think.

"Ukraine" is a country, not a person. A lot of Ukrainians have left Ukraine since 2014. Shall we ask them?

> I just hope you're not in the USA doing it.

I hope you are.


Devoplus19 t1_je3cnbj wrote

Isn’t fairly criticizing something that you care about, in hopes of learning from mistakes as well as triumphs, in order to create a better future the truest form of patriotism?