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TARANTULA_TIDDIES t1_je1jnr1 wrote

>And slavery.

Well to be fair, most of the slaves weren't indigent to the US either.

>And stealing land from indigenous peoples.

I think conquering would be the proper word right? Not debating the morality of it, just pointing out that taking land with your country's military is something that all country's did during that time frame, given the ability.

>But yea I guess also immigrants.



kalirion t1_je1xa0g wrote

> I think conquering would be the proper word right?

Conquering in some cases. Stealing / conning in others.


deadkactus t1_je215qv wrote

Conquered means they killed enough to take over. Its babaric. And yes, everyone did it.


dbxp t1_je30wiw wrote

It's a little different from normal as normally the population would stay where they were but the leadership would change rather than the natives being pushed off the land. For example when the British colonised India the Indians weren't forced to leave.


Keyplace t1_je1pc11 wrote

That's not how you spell "Indigenous". The word "indigent" means something else. Also, please do some research before expressing an uneducated opinion.

"In spite of a later tendency in the Southern colonies to differentiate the African slave from the Indian, chattel slavery was built on a preexisting system of Indian slavery.

Even though the arrival of Africans in 1619 began to change the face of slavery in North America from “tawny” Indian to “blackamoor” African, Indian slaves were exported throughout the Caribbean often in trade for Africans.

During this transitional period, Africans and Americans Indians shared the common experience of enslavement."

Edit: lmao y'all really dislike looking truth in the face huh
