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bignutsx1000 t1_je2rqkc wrote

And we're lucky to live in a time unlike any other in which that we can talk about and address these issues, even just knowing of them; move forward knowing the sins of our fathers and make a just world from a flawed history which we cannot change


ItsBaconOclock t1_je36ffx wrote

Sir or Madam,

You are in Reddit, where comments must be in the form of a teenage edge lord ranting. Example:

"I don't see the point, bad stuff happened in the history book I skimmed in class today. Did you ever hear about [insert atrocity here]?! This proves that everything is absolutely irredeemable!

I mean, I've never been anywhere or done anything, but I definitely know that it's all bad, everything's bad.

I mean, my parents grounded me! No one understands me!!"

Please take these positive comments, where you remind others that we live in the absolute best time in human history, to a place that deserves it.
