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kzlife76 t1_je4uz5c wrote

I don't know if any banks in the US offer this. My bank does have a checking/savings account that has a "reserve" account that can be used to separate money. It's like having 3 accounts. But this wouldn't really be a good envelope system.

Personally, I like the zero dollar budget where you assign every dollar to a category. It's similar to the envelope system. When you run out of money in a category you stop spending on that category. Although my system has become more of an accounting system rather than a budgeting system since I just assign my monthly transactions to categories at the end of the month. It still helps me track what I'm spending money on. I'm fortunate enough to have 0 debt and a healthy income.

If you want to get started with a zero dollar budget, Dave Ramsey has a free app called Every Dollar. It's what I started on before moving to a custom spreadsheet.


kfadffal t1_je4vk0d wrote

Banking seems really weird in the US. I have 17 accounts for my budgeting and could open more if I wanted very easily online or via an app. Don't you guys also have some bullshit with bank transfers and stuff which is why things like Venmo exist?


kzlife76 t1_je4vsie wrote

Banking in the US feels like it's stuck in the 70s. Since banks have better online tools. That's about all we can do.