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Meocross t1_je6y0gz wrote

No no no nothing like that, i know excel how-to videos exist, i just didn't know to find them. XD

Let me be even more clear.


>Sorry, it's hard to tell over text, but are you disappointed I didn't go into more detail about excel's functions?

No not at all, with the term "Excel budget sheet" it makes my task a whole lot easier.


>Or do you think I was being condescending by giving super obvious information?

No no no not at all, every bit of info helps.


MiloTheMagicFishBag t1_je71rgs wrote

Oh, excellent! :D

I just wanted to be extra sure, you never know with this place, right?


Meocross t1_je7229y wrote

Meh as long as you avoid politics and religion this place is pretty chill, almost boring actually.

You got to admit the flamewars back in the forum days were excellent popcorn material.


MiloTheMagicFishBag t1_je72b7s wrote

Haha, in the old days I was unfortunately the one IN the war, not watching on the sidelines

So many hours I'll never get back :')