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thethpunjabi t1_je6trsf wrote

I remember when their numbers were less than 25 back in 2007. I’m glad to see they’ve bounced back but there’s still a long way to go.


MostlyIncorrect420 t1_jebnldv wrote

Any idea where they're at now? I was hoping it'd be in the article.


Zephyrous318 t1_je73byl wrote

I needed this today. Love to see it


boomlabs t1_je7kfas wrote

TIL about this leopard species and that it is distinct from the snow leopard (which is not really a leopard). Big cats are just so fascinating.


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UsualAnybody1807 t1_je87bab wrote

Are they going to be freed so they can repopulate?


cturtl808 t1_je8nmwz wrote

Amurs are so endangered, these twins will become part of the SSP (species survival program) and will move to other zoos with Amurs to continue a breeding situation to increase numbers.