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basicallyasking47 t1_je9oeh0 wrote

Is there a male version of this? ๐Ÿ‘€


QueenOfAllTheLizards t1_je9sbb6 wrote

I wish there was. We women get a bad rap for being vulnerable with our feelings but guys deserve to have a space where they can be vulnerable too.


Jersey_Jerker069 t1_jebxp86 wrote

>guys deserve to have a space where they can be vulnerable too

Yeah, that'll never happen. Too many toxic dudes out here.


Gh0stMan0nThird t1_jec5nhr wrote

Women perpetuate it just as much as men do my dude


symbolsofblue t1_jeckjrd wrote

Sure, but they're talking about men's space, and I don't think women are involved in that.


ZMech t1_je9ttsu wrote

Yup, or at least in the UK there's a few options such as Talk Club


iK_550 t1_je9t43q wrote

Me and you mate can start one. Pinky promise? ๐Ÿ‘€


ComadoreJackSparrow t1_je9xcwq wrote

Yeah sports clubs.


basicallyasking47 t1_je9zm8t wrote

Iโ€™m not interested in sports unfortunately


Babouka t1_jeajumx wrote

Boardgames, video games, cars, sports (all different ranges like hockey, hiking, golfing). Just type the hobby you are interested in and join a group. Near where I live there is a men social club, a real mgtow group (not the fake one that just complain and put down women). They hang at a bar, they have music, booze and they have a blast. They don't accept any kind of misogyny or incels view though.