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Papertache t1_iqnq5ow wrote

This clueless Brit (me) had no idea we had beavers in England.


magical_elf t1_iqo73k1 wrote

They were extinct in the UK (we hunted them for fur), but they're being selectively reintroduced. Loads of them in Scotland (they escaped into the wild from companies farming them), but they have some in the Forest of Dean and Norfolk, amongst other places.


obinice_khenbli t1_iqo7h9z wrote

Awesome, so when can I start hunting them to make socks?


WorldlinessOne939 t1_isr7fpp wrote

Just wait for it. They are a prodigious little fuckers that don't play well with human infrastructure. Once they reach a certain level there will have to be management in certain areas or they will damn every culvert and small bridge on the island.


RosemaryFocaccia t1_iqqzpih wrote

>The Eurasian beaver is native to Britain and used to be widespread in England, Wales and Scotland, but was never known from Ireland.

>They became extinct in the 16th century, mainly because of hunting for their fur, meat and 'castoreum', a secretion used in perfumes, food and medicine.

>In Scotland, there are currently two populations of beavers. In Argyll, where the successful Scottish Beaver Trial ran from 2009-2014, a small population continues with help from some further licenced releases. In the east of Scotland there is an expanding population of beavers, from unauthorised escapes or releases from captivity, which currently inhabits the Tay and Forth catchments.


Samwise2512 OP t1_iqofcg9 wrote

I'm well aware of that thanks. This concerns them being designated as a protected species, which gives them a more secure future, while paving the way to further reintroductions in the wild.


Papertache t1_iqpy48f wrote

I've just reread what I wrote and I do apologise! I meant that I'm the clueless Brit. Editing now.


Samwise2512 OP t1_iqqbttw wrote

Ah I got the wrong end of the stick there, apologies, we're all good! :)


Misabi t1_iqovbn3 wrote

Don't take offense. I'm pretty sure The person you're replying to was referring to themself as the "clueless Brit".


Samwise2512 OP t1_iqqbw2n wrote

Ah yes, I can see that now, occasionally one gets the wrong end of the stick on the internet..