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Eran_Mintor t1_iqnfrzl wrote

You can go to Mexico and find crispy crickets being sold at most street vendors/bars. I've even had a salsa made from ground up ants in Oaxaca that was one of the best salsas I've had. And Americans love Mexican culture.

People are grossed out by the notion but it's a sustainable, healthy, and smart alternative to get proteins that you have a difficult time finding in plants. The human species is not meant to survive solely off a vegan diet.

I'd agree it would have to be marketed a certain way but I would be surprised if this doesn't become a thing in the next ten years or so as meat production becomes more expensive and less sustainable..


TonyRubbles t1_iqnm4fv wrote

I've eaten spicy fried crickets and they taste just like the seasoning and are crunchy like anything fried would be.

America as a whole just needs to be sold(marketed) on the idea before it's widely accepted. Definitely won't be long once companies try to make money off of it.


illessen t1_iqntwxf wrote

They already do, it’s just a novelty though. I’d love to see the campaign to get critters in your belly though. I’ve had some wild foods, but I tend to draw the line at most bugs.


TonyRubbles t1_iqnu9p1 wrote

Yeah I've seen candy with bugs in them since the early 90s. Farmer mart type places usually have fried or chocolate covered in some form too.


illessen t1_iqnulpx wrote

I was once eating chocolate coated coffee beans… one was decidedly NOT a bean and was a lady bug… I’ve stopped eating chocolate coated coffee beans.


TonyRubbles t1_iqnv39q wrote

Ah fuck I love those too! Devastating betrayal of your palette lol

Had a friend in school eat a ladybug as a dare and he said it tasted awful, he would regularly eat crickets and ants no problem.