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Windowplanecrash t1_ir5u2x9 wrote

Has anybody else noticed the language used by alot of these tech-new sites?

Forced, demanded, involuntary etc

Making the ruling out to be authoritatian, giving it a negative light. When in actuality its a huge positive for the consumer, less waste, less requirement to take a charger/cable with you everywhere, easier to share.


skaliton t1_ir7belv wrote

almost like you can tell what people at buzzfeed prefer. Remember those who can't do anything productive write about what productive people do (on their apple products)


runningmn9 t1_ir8846b wrote

But it is authoritarian. Using the power of the State to force a company to make a specific technological decision, regardless of what their customers want (their customers are already free to purchase phones with USB C if that’s what they want), is authoritarian.

Whether it is a positive for the customer (it’s hardly a positive for me, and all my lightning cables) has nothing to do with whether a government should dictate a technological decision to a company.


rpsls t1_ir652p5 wrote

Less waste?? You’re about to force a large segment of the population to throw away a huge quantity of plastic and metal for no good reason. This will cause tons of waste, not prevent waste.


Windowplanecrash t1_ir65orv wrote

People replace dud cables regularly. They break, that's a fact. Instead of having to replace 3 different cables every 3-5 years, now you only have to replace one.

Come on this is simple af, next pointless argument please


rpsls t1_ir66acd wrote

You replace a cable that breaks. That’s a 1-1 replacement. A different/same connector at the end doesn’t save anything.


holymurphy t1_ir6mphs wrote

It really does, at least for me.

If my computer charger breaks, I wouldn't need to replace it 1:1. I could use the charger from my phone, my Nintendo Switch, my headset, my "name any other device".

So no, I wouldn't need to go and buy a new cable everytime something breaks. I can easily live with 2 working cables.


Ticeben2 t1_ir690c1 wrote

And you replace a charger as a whole for every other generation of device. What happened to usb after usb c? Or the one that came before that, or the one that came before that.


AsteriusNeon t1_ir7glff wrote

If I have 4 devices and they all come with a different cable then when one breaks I have to buy a new cable.

If I have 4 devices and they all come with a USB-C cable then when one breaks I still have 3 working cables.

Honestly, I don't know what nonsense you're spouting.


jacofstl t1_ir667gy wrote

Maybe initially. But the charges they have will still work for the devices they have. It's a huge help for many Apple products where the charger will change from year to year. Making it universal will prevent consumers from needing to buy multiple charges for multiple devices, or change it yearly. In the longterm this will make a massive postive difference in terms E-waste and for a what a consumer will need to spend.


JUYED-AWK-YACC t1_ir66s3l wrote

The charger has never changed. Lightning connectors have been standard on iPhones longer than usb-c on Android.


Crizznik t1_ir6tq1k wrote

That's a strong statement. You're correct that the lightning connectors have been standard for Apple for longer than the USB-C, but they used to be a different connector. And USB-C works for dozens of different styles and brands of electronics. The lightning connector only works for Apple products. That is anti-consumer. Largely Apple's fault, but still anti-consumer.


JUYED-AWK-YACC t1_ir6wypq wrote

They have changed once.

Also, usb-c for everything is a terrible idea. Nobody keeps track of the different types.


Crizznik t1_ir6zplx wrote

To be fair, for smart phones, USB has only changed once too. From USB-micro to USB-C. For flip phones it was USB-mini, but that was also before smart phones, before Apple phones at all, were a thing.


JUYED-AWK-YACC t1_ir70ggh wrote

You're just an argument clinic. You haven't explained how the chargers change "from year to year" as you originally asserted, and I refuted that. I'm bored with this. Still looking forward to ecologically throwing out all my cords in a few years.


Crizznik t1_ir717hw wrote

I never said they change from year to year. I think you have me confused with someone else. The only point I was making is that you were being disingenuous when you claimed that Apple have it any better as far as changing connectors are concerned from other devices. Android and Apple phones have changed chargers the same amount of times as each other, and forcing them all to one connector would be good for everyone. And hey, if you think forcing everywhere to use lightning would be preferable to forcing everywhere to use USB-C, that's fine. I disagree, but that's your opinion. It's objective fact that it would be better for consumer if all cell phones used the same power cable. All tablets too.


Crizznik t1_ir6td1p wrote

It will reduce future waste by a huge amount, and the waste you're talking about is also made worse by the differences. I have an Android for my personal phone and an iPhone for my work phone. It requires I have two separate charging cables. If they weren't different, I'd only need one, and I'd need to replace half as many when they inevitably fail.


Vegan_Harvest t1_ir4l7t6 wrote

Well... everyone in the EU.


ErichOdin t1_ir4lga9 wrote

The EU is a huge market.

Producing separately for the entire EU would be more expensive than just making it a world wide standard for most products / companies.

You may want to Google how many EU standards have been rolled out to the US and other countries over the years.


johansugarev t1_ir4yt90 wrote

Yes, we’re a huge market. We love to share but how are we going to make due with one single charger?!


Cat-Is-My-Advisor t1_ir5vchy wrote

EU going to set the standard for a lottery system, to choose who is next in line to charge phone


sortaHeisenberg t1_ir5rmsl wrote

Buy multiple.


Rourne t1_ir5sxo3 wrote

The joke was that there’d be one physical charger for the entire EU to share


GrandOpener t1_ir52r1r wrote

The most relevant counter-example is how iPhones have already had different sim slot configurations for different regions. Or cell modems that match different frequencies in different regions. Apple in particular—because everyone knows we’re talking about Apple here—has enough of a market that non-EU lightning could definitely be worth it if they decide there is some compelling reason for it.

I hope they don’t, but it’s not something we can rule out at this point.


vasya349 t1_ir7oev9 wrote

SIM slots are easier to change than power/data ports no? They’d also have to redo internal wiring and interfaces for every single one of their products that take lightning rather than just phones.


Omnicide103 t1_ir50h60 wrote

Brussels Effect! Just happened to be covering this in uni right now :)


cometlin t1_ir7v404 wrote

Micro-USB charging port was also a result of EU regulations iirc. Before that Nokia phones alone has 200 different charging port and earphones plug standards


burid00f t1_ir5xzf0 wrote

Just like my home state of California, being in a big market essentially spills over to markets worldwide due to the big corporations not wanting to have different standards in different areas.

Every good move I see in big markets ensures the whole world will eventually follow.


zZentail t1_ir5sjmx wrote

Incoming Apple’s brand new product type that’s never been in the market before. Smartphones are now a thing of the past. Introducing our brand new Intelligent Phone.

^Intelligent ^phones ^are ^not ^smartphones ^and ^smartphone ^laws ^do ^not ^apply. ^By ^purchasing ^this ^phone, ^you ^acknowledge ^this ^and ^agree ^that ^lightning ^is ^an ^acceptable ^charger.


Ticeben2 t1_ir68ncv wrote

I’ve been waiting for this, charging wires are terrible for the environment, their should be a universal one that does not update.


[deleted] t1_ir8zk64 wrote

That’s kind of hard.

We’d still be charging at 2007 speeds if they didn’t change. There’s a huge difference between older and newer cables.


Ticeben2 t1_irbl7d9 wrote

Yeah, but at some point we have to hit a cutoff or you can keep arguing charging speeds forever. In terms of environmental safety do we need to charge our devices any faster than we currently do? I personally do not think so. Unless it’s some giant instant charge leap in tech, things do not need to change. I mean if we stopped updating our phones they would last much longer. I can’t remember the last time an iPhone update mattered since Bluetooth headphones. Our main battery killer is advancement.


[deleted] t1_irbmenj wrote

There's a lot going on that you are unaware of, frankly. The least of which is network tech.

If we had kept 3G like in 2009 our phones mostly would've stopped working entirely as 3G was incredibly inefficient on the network. Even early LTE was inefficient compared to LTE-A and current 5G tech. Not only are they faster, they use the airwaves better. Phones have to advance to do better with existing frequencies. More people on more devices wanting to do cooler things.

Just because you don't care doesn't mean I don't. My phone is my travel modem, it's my primary computer most of the day. I care a lot that I can do lots of things.

Edit: Also, cables have only changed like two or three times really in like the 15 years of smartphones. USB to USB2 to USB3.

So you'd go back to an iPhone 4/T-Mobile G1?


Ticeben2 t1_irbn7do wrote

Dude, the world is crumbling and you are talking about “wanting cool things”, this is why these laws are being put in place, because if people keep “wanting cool things” the world will turn into a giant dumpster. We have only been causing real issues to the planet since the Industrial Revolution, 1790. I’m also not talking about putting a pause on things back in 3G, I’m talking about putting a pause on it now.


[deleted] t1_irbo1qh wrote

Humans have had a major impact on the environment since humans existed.

We likely contributed to the extinction of megafauna in the Americas:

We literally changed the biomes of the Americas through farming and burning:

So tell me, how was that PS5 you bought?


Ticeben2 t1_irbp4hf wrote

I’m talking about minor advancements in cool things not ps4-ps5, but do new iPhones need to come out every year? Their should be a certain amount of advancement proven before products from major companies are allowed to be brought into production. I know people who update their iPhone every year, or Android every 6 months to the latest “thing”. It’s a stack of little laws like this that will help, anyway I’m not arguing this anymore, I doubt we will agree on anything.


[deleted] t1_irbraun wrote

So who decides who gets to bring things to market? And what is considered an "advancement?"

Standards are one thing: you can make a case for a standardized connector via IEEE (and I think that it make sense for regulators to work on that.)

But deciding that we should stop letting companies release new products based on what you think is necessary is pretty unusual.

Why should Sony be allowed to release the PS5 when the actual changes were minor compared to the PS4? Seems even less necessary to me, and I work in gaming.


Ticeben2 t1_irbuer1 wrote

I’m not going to argue anymore because not going to get anywhere, but I agree with you about the ps5, it should not have been made. Personally I think games should just stay at the ps4 lvl. They do not need to get any better. I hope ps6 never gets made.


[deleted] t1_irbzl4x wrote

Hey, at least you're consistent. I'm sorry that you're not willing to explore your ideas further, as this is an interesting good faith discussion.

At a point it becomes a question of whether we need anything ever other than food and a lean-to. I suppose a simple life has benefits but should we also get rid of medicines and just accept death more gracefully too?

It gets weird when you start talking about no longer making new MRIs or new medications. Would you accept an earlier death that was preventable as long as it's painless? Lots of physical goods go to medicine.


captainfrijoles t1_ir5uour wrote

Apple has already found a way to sideline this, aren’t they going to remove the charging port entirely, and new phone will only support mag lock/wireless. Pretty sure they can work around this if they take the port out of the picture entirely


Amazing_Coyote_2260 t1_ir7dx2l wrote

No port means no wired backup or data transfer either. Unless they just remove the charging function from Lightning connectors in the EU.


Dknight33 t1_ir8j76f wrote

That's the easiest. Keep lightning and region-lock charging. Force EU to use wireless.


vasya349 t1_ir7qslt wrote

This is a huge win if it works, and if it doesn’t then the EU charger will be used.


Tryingsoveryhard t1_ir89pbk wrote

They’re all heading in that direction anyway. Need all possible space for battery


Nknights23 t1_ir6ipse wrote

Yea because they totally invested millions to press the delete button. Realistically they would stop sale to UK before they did that


chevria0 t1_ir5wijx wrote

How is this great news for me?


Agreeable_Win7642 t1_ir4s7sg wrote

So what will happen later when we find new ways to transfer data blazingly fast? Will we need 2 ports for that? Does this assume everything is going wireless? What is a smartphone? Do lawmakers decide what that is now?

I'm not suggesting this is bad legislation, but there are some outstanding questions around evolution.


sonofagunn t1_ir56xk8 wrote

The law is well written. It does not specify a technology, it says they must all follow the IEEE standard, which is an industry organization. The standard can't change for at least three years.

It just so happens that the current standard is USB-C.


Agreeable_Win7642 t1_ir5b95y wrote

That's a good point. The issue I see with this is that as a start-up I can't build something cheaper with older connectors now.

Do I also have to compete for connectors now with the big players, while everyone makes the switch? This might open opportunities for some new manufacturers to build type c connectors, to cover the new demand, sure. I don't think that's how it will go though.

Some devices also don't need faster connections. I would rather have my sport's smartwatch be more waterproof rather than have it's data bandwidth increase.

I don't know. It will be interesting to see what happens.


sonofagunn t1_ir5e4rd wrote

It only applies to smartphones, tablets, and cameras.


Zerieth t1_ir5fn3l wrote

Stuff has to move with the times and there's no avoiding that. We don't make floppy disks anymore for data transfer either, and some of the older connectors are no longer in wide use. Give it a few more years and vga will vanish completely from the market(still on some motherboards) to be replaced by DPort and HDMI.

Apple has been trying very hard for years to create their own product bubble with limited compatability to anything outside of that bubble. This means their own OS on all their products, Bluetooth compatability problems to none Apple related products, and yes connectors.

This is why I dislike them as a company. At least in Microsoft land we can buy pretty much anything we like and expect it to work with our tech. Microsoft and Linux can run on the same hardware with no issues. Apple you basically have to buy from Apple, or someone that has a contract with Apple. Mac stuff requires its own proprietary hardware on their computers, smartphones, and tablets. You can get the Mac Os onto a PC but hardware wise it's all Mac shit. Limited market competition means higher prices.


Agreeable_Win7642 t1_ir5i8j1 wrote

I agree with your final point. Market competition is great. This law doesn't provide that, in my opinion. It will drive smaller players that cannot afford this adaptation out of the market.

And Microsoft and Linux can run on many things, but not without issue. There's a great cost to develop such systems with a lot of compatibility in mind. Vertical integration is more efficient. Regardless if you like apple or not, they have provided the best laptop by far because of this, in recent times. There isn't anything on the market to top the battery life to performance of the last pro lineup, and this is coming from a thinkpad fan. But this argument hasn't much to do with port choice. Apple can change that with ease and it will lead to more sales. They can take the cost now for sales later. I care more about the smaller companies that won't have a choice but to switch to type C. They might not be able to do the same


chownrootroot t1_ir5wvtu wrote

Android phones basically already had either microUSB or USB-C already, and microUSB is considered flimsy, cheap, and slow, if a small Android phone maker was sticking to microUSB, chances are they wouldn't be much of a player in the EU market and they are welcome to sell their phones in other markets regardless of what the EU says.

Apple complained about this but they won't mind the cost and they switched much of their products to type-C already.

The law does apply to tablets, some laptops (not gaming or workstation types), and cameras. Tablets are basically the same as phones, so the above also applies to them, with laptops there could be small laptop makers complaining but charging a little more for universal charging is a fair trade-off, so many times in the past getting a laptop charger would be a problem with proprietary charging. And cheap and small point and shoot cameras are basically dead, replaced by smartphones, most cameras you buy are like Gopros or large DSLRs and they can spare the cost for changing the USB port (some in the past had the Superspeed Micro connector, so it would be a huge improvement to have the USB-C connector so you don't have to carry around another cable just for the camera data transfer).


LiosIsHere t1_ir4zesq wrote

When a new and better connection is developed, the law will change to that connection instead of USB-C. That will likely take a while. Wireless is obviously also an option, but data transfer is still too slow.

This law is for all handheld mobile phones, tablets, digital cameras, headphones, headsets, portable speakers, handheld videogame consoles, e-readers, earbuds, keyboards, mice and portable navigation systems.

I'm sure it's pretty clear what a (smart)phone is, or any of the other things on this list. If something is invented that really doesn't fit any of these categories, the producers will likely already choose USB-C themselves (because having 1 different cable for 1 product is not very smart) or the law will be adjusted.


sleepytoday t1_ir6aj0w wrote

How will a new and better connection get developed? And what is the motivation to develop one if you can’t be better than your competitors?


LiosIsHere t1_ir6ivoy wrote

Do we need a new and better connection? If yes, it will be made. If no, then it won't. Doesn't matter whether everyone uses the same connection or not.


Agreeable_Win7642 t1_ir5a7tq wrote

Well legislation is notoriously slow. And that is one issue that might halt progress. Do we have to wait for the law to change to release a new products with new connections? This law for example has been debated for more than a year now. How long will it take to add new acceptable connectors to the list? And at that point if apple develops one that is ground Breaking, and a smaller entity another, which one has the resources to lobby for this new standard to be adopted?

I also don't know that I agree with the statement that that we know what a smartphone is. I think intuitively we do, but to argue in court about such matters is more complicated. Is it a phone with a touch screen? If so when does a phone become a tablet? What about new possible voice UIs? Ok, if it's not the input method maybe it is functionality. What's the threshold to call a phone "smart"? Is it internet connectivity? Is it a camera? Does it have to have either? What if it has none?

I know it sounds easy in theory, but in practice it is not. In court it's a different story and only the big guys will have the resources to argue such matters. This means that small start-ups might not be able to disrupt the market with new products. Remember that a Mac computer is not a PC. Why would an iPhone be a smartphone?

An item that is not in that list and uses a different connector: a smartwatch. Sport smart watches from Garmin for example would never be as waterproof with a type C connector. There's no need for faster data connections for some of these devices, like the ones for diving. Why would a niche manufacturer invest in building new devices with such connectors that are more expensive?

I'm just saying it's complicated. This seems like a good idea but it might not be.


KanoeKnight t1_ir5buj1 wrote

Why don’t you go read the law yourself to find out how they define a smartphone?


Agreeable_Win7642 t1_ir5ezts wrote

I read the provisional agreement form June. It doesn't include the word smartphone anywhere in it:

Neither does this: But uses the term "radio devices" which is even worse as anything with a Bluetooth connector, wifi connector etc. is a "radio device"

Would you be so kind to tell me where you read it?


KanoeKnight t1_ir734cd wrote

I didn’t because I don’t care enough about those little details because it doesn’t matter


LiosIsHere t1_ir5fh2x wrote

What we read in the news is just an easy to understand excerpt, I'm sure they thought of all those things you mention (which is why it took so long). I mean, they even have a whole paragraph detailing the label that needs to be displayed when a device does or doesn't include the charger (down to the dimensions and everything).

Also, the text mentions mobile phones, not smartphones, so anything that is mobile and can be used to call would be a mobile phone. It doesn't matter when it becomes a tablet, because those need to have USB-C as well.

And, as with any law, exceptions or challenges will most likely arise and be taken to court to be sorted out.

It's better to have this and maybe be a bit more sluggish with innovations than letting the current situation continu.


Agreeable_Win7642 t1_ir5gz7e wrote

Ok, we were going off the article with those examples. The law (at least the June proposal that was up for debate) does say this:

Apply to the following categories or classes
of radio equipment:
a) handheld mobile phones,
b) tablets,
c) digital cameras,
d) headphones,
e) headsets,
f) handheld videogame consoles,
g) portable speakers,
h) e-readers,
i) keyboards,
j) mice,
k) portable navigation systems,
l) earbuds,
m) laptops,

We can have similar debates about any of the items on the list, with examples that go in the same direction.

The part where I generally disagree is this: > I'm sure they thought of all those things you mention I don't think so. And I believe it is up to us to scrutinize any and all laws that get adopted to ensure that they do think about it and that others do so too.

>It's better to have this and maybe be a bit more sluggish with innovations than let ting the current situation continu.

Actually I don't see why. The e waste generated off of this will be huge and detrimental to the environment. I don't see the added value here. A bit of convenience because I don't have to carry 2 cables? Not worth it for me.


LiosIsHere t1_ir61uja wrote

It’s less waste, that’s the whole point. Yes, one time you might have a bunch of obsolete cables (although you can also use converters), but for the rest of time you only need one charger and cable for all your stuff and just need to replace those when they break.


hopingforabetterpast t1_ir5uaox wrote

what e-waste?


xSilverMC t1_ir5zg2j wrote

The billions upon billions of lightning cables that will be thrown out immediately, strangling all turtles into extinction in a matter of weeks /s


parental92 t1_ir6qj69 wrote

>when we find new ways to transfer data blazingly fast?

standards move on and we can make it backwards compatible. Since usb C itself is still evolving.

>Will we need 2 ports for that?

depends on the theoritical new faster port

>Does this assume everything is going wireless?

even the reverse. if iphone are usb C they can transver files at faster speed than usb 2.0. Even if everything going wireless, a standardized port are still a good thing.

>What is a smartphone?

The thing you type your comment on

>Do lawmakers decide what that is now?

hint: to impose a law you need to define the thing you impose it to. Hence bog standard definition id smartphone. We cant jam a usb c on oura smart ring cant we ?



I get that there are arguments about evolution., but history proves that it is mostly irrelevant. given the chance . . (like they already have in the last 10 years) Big company like apple does not uses the best and fastest port in the interest of "evolution". they uses it to trap the consumer to their own stuff. Not even exclusive to Apple . . Look at one plus/oppo, wanna fast charge your oppo ? buy OUR charger!


There, hope that answer your questions.


TheJedibugs t1_ir5ph6m wrote

The port, and thus the connectors, must be the same. The technology within that port can be updated. We already use that same port shape for Thunderbolt 3, Thunderbolt 4 and USB 3. Just the same as how we used USB-A ports for USB 1-3, seeing huge upgrades in data transfer over that span.


ob2kenobi t1_ir7mcgs wrote

>find new ways to transfer data blazingly fast?

Ha! That's kinda funny considering iPhones are still limited to USB 2.0 speeds.


stevedadog t1_ir5jw2g wrote

This has a ton of replies but only one upvote. It’s not poorly worded, and it’s a completely valid question what the fuck Reddit(ors)???


AutoModerator t1_ir4gwkd wrote

Reminder: this subreddit is meant to be a place free of excessive cynicism, negativity and bitterness. Toxic attitudes are not welcome here.

All Negative comments will be removed and will possibly result in a ban.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


evil133t t1_ir6bgq1 wrote

I prefer innovation over forced standards.


3pacxx t1_ir7km8s wrote

Me too. Unfortunately time and time again industries have to be forced. Like the automotive industry and catalytic converters and the automotive industry and seat belts and the automotive industry and airbags. Damn automotive industry! You've ruined the automotive industry!


LaPhenixValley t1_ir82gvm wrote

While I don't disagree, is the goal with all these proprietary accessories REALLY innovation or is it just a convenient excuse to make sure your customers can only buy from you?


FluphyBunny t1_ir6d6cn wrote

Great. Oh wait. Brexit. **** idiots.


saltyswedishmeatball t1_ir7bc32 wrote

US technology behind USB is good for America too.

I think nearly everyone will benefit from this!


andrewbrocklesby t1_ir8io9w wrote

I dont understand why this is a big deal, I've not used a plug in charger for a very long time now and never intent to, I couldnt care less if the charge port was removed from my iphone.

Doesnt everyone use wireless charging now?


Gorgeous-Gorgon t1_ircdcxn wrote

My phone ha Qi charging but it is annoying for a few reasons:

  • i can not charge an use the phone at the same time because it has to lie flat
  • phone gets hotter than regular cable charging, probably detrimental to battery
  • it is slower to charge
  • it wastes electricity because it’s only like 50% effective

andrewbrocklesby t1_ircdu2w wrote

OK fair enough, I am not sure if you or I are the edge case though :-D

The only time that I ever need to charge the phone while using it is in the car, and i have a Qi charger mount.

The use difference is that I have bluetooth hearing aids, so phone can sit wherever on my desk, and that could be in a charger if I needed to, but I never need to.My iPhone is an 11Pro, so it is now 3 years old and despite using it for hours a day for calls, I easily get the full day from 5am to 11pm out of it and charge is only at about 50-60% when I put on the charger when I go to bed.

Maybe I am the edge case though.

Also, I have had phones fail due to crap in the charge port before, so I'll do anything to not charge via cable these days.


bareboneschicken t1_ir8lekn wrote

Who gets impacted other than perhaps Apple? Are there any Android phones currently in production that don't already use USB-C?


joman394 t1_ir6z0sh wrote

As it should be. It's UNIVERSAL Serial Bus for a reason, Apple...


MayIServeYouWell t1_ir8mt98 wrote

How in the world is this good news? I don't want any governments dictating the design of products, because they're horrible at that kind of thing. A few years ago, they thought a micro-USB charger was best, now... USB-C. It's going to keep changing. Let the market figure it out.

I'm not opposed to government - quite the opposite. But, leave government to protecting rights, providing health care, taking care of the fringes of society, etc... but not product design, sheesh!


wormyg t1_ir62i6f wrote

So which charger are they going with


CommonMan15 t1_ir6ah50 wrote

Nothing to do with chargers. Only about ports on devices.


wormyg t1_ir7w5h6 wrote

So what port are they going with?


CommonMan15 t1_ir7w9ys wrote

Whatever is set as a standard by IEEE. Right now, and for the foreseeable future, that's USB-C


Select_Repair_2820 t1_ir6xbd2 wrote

Personally, I don't see it making much difference one way or the other, considering the ungodly amount of total plastic waste us humans produce every second. But if they wanted to do some good in the world, they should have banned USB-A, that piece of crap has wasted so much of everybody's time!


snopro31 t1_ir5gkyh wrote

Yes. This is a major issue in the world


CommonMan15 t1_ir6aebx wrote

millions of tonnes of electronic waste? Yes, yes it is.


snopro31 t1_ir6o3te wrote

I was thinking war, famine and out of control gas prices where bigger issues


CommonMan15 t1_ir6o85f wrote

Right, I forgot the entire might of EU legislation, over the course of multiple years can only focus on those very specific subjects.


PossibleTroubleMaker t1_ir5vun1 wrote

Imagine threatening to ban someone for posting a negative comment. This is literally communism at its finest.

Now for my negative comment, the eu makes same charger mandatory but dont worry you wont be able to afford a phone anyway due to the fact the waste millions on absolute rubbish including but not limited to supporting weak economies, moving industry from country to country, worrying about what hoover, kettle, lightbulb or kettle you use, and whether you bananas are correctly shaped.

Heres my uplifting comment. The UK left! TFFT


willie_caine t1_ir61mi7 wrote

>This is literally communism at its finest.

It literally isn't. You're not portraying yourself as particularly well-informed if you start off your diatribe with something like that.

As for the rest, it's OK you don't understand it. It's an opportunity for you to learn something new! That's always a good thing!


Zoemaestra t1_ir63rr5 wrote

stalin was famously a huge supporter of usb-c on all devices


Sjeg84 t1_ir684ij wrote

You don't even know what communism is, don't you.