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[deleted] t1_ir6rh52 wrote



omegaphallic t1_irrkb7p wrote

These aren't actually black banks, the title is misleading, they are small credit unions in poor neibuorhoods and I doubt they discriminate against white folks who want to make deposites at the credit unions.


ornery-fizz t1_ir7ubnc wrote

Local community banks and credit unions are not the same things as huge international banks. And based on the article, I don't think anyone is being given special treatment based on skin color. Being black isn't a requirement to bank there, they just serve areas with predominantly black residents.


BeaconFae t1_ir8lis7 wrote

Are you trying to push the narrative that marginalized communities wouldn’t benefit from more investment? Or are you pushing the narrative that they aren’t worth outside investment? Which kind of erasure are you trying to push?