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leftistpropaganja t1_irvww9m wrote

This is great for the people on Social Security, but for those of us who are paying in, and have been for decades, it's also a bit unnerving and frustrating to see this increase.

How long before the 'conservative' wing of our political system kills it for good, erasing any hope Gen X, Gen Z, Millenials and Zoomers have of ever collecting on the money we have all been paying in since our first jobs?

Better get the solvency of this program figured out, Uncle Sam, or the whole thing threatens to collapse and explode like a flaming building in a Michael Bay movie.


dmccrostie t1_irw3ys2 wrote

As long as the reds can sell it as “an entitlement” forgetting that it’s an insurance program, the may be successful. The blues need to change the conversation.