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Tigen13 t1_irvj0y2 wrote

Solid state batteries with twice the energy density of lithium is a big deal.

Now what is the cost, life, and can it be mass produced?


deck4242 t1_irvune4 wrote

and are they eco friendly to produce ? withou the need to mine our planet to death.


Tigen13 t1_irvys49 wrote

You don't need battery production to be eco friendly.

That is big oil's propaganda argument. Oil extraction and refining is terrible for the environment on top of the usage of the final product being bad.

Batteries can be recycled and will be due to the high value of their materials. Also, the usage of the energy can be clean unlike Oil. Therefore batteries are the clear environmental winner over time. With batteries most of the environmental friendliness happens during the mining phase. After that it's not too bad for the environment and can benefit society for decades of clean energy.


deck4242 t1_irw8gnc wrote

or we can ungrowth economicaly and demographicaly, go low tech, stop oil and use battery only when absolutely necessary ;)

there is no winner between oil or mining, they both sucks and destroy the planet. Do you know that due to the surge in EV and tech gadgets , we are going to mine our planet as much in the next 30 years that we did from antiquity until now ? thats just insane and wrong


Tigen13 t1_irwj0aw wrote

Ungrowth and go low tech..... essentially regress as a society. More death, less security, more susceptibility to climate change, environmental disasters, and disease. Lower standard of living and lower lifespans. No thank you.

Farming land destroys our planet. Building homes destroys our planet. It's not about destroying that planet. What's the point of having the planet if we don't use it?

What matters is are things sustainable? Are there long term consequences to the environment? Are those consequences worth it?

For mining, it's a no brainer, yes. Tear up large patches of land and extract needed resources. The world has tons of land so we can absolutely sacrifice some to for more valuable resources. There is lots of land which isn't utilized and likely won't be.

Society is moving forward and progressing. I hope that we work to progress in a more environmentally sustainable way. However, utilizing natural resources has been the only way mankind has improved our quality of life for thousands of years.

I will add that advances in energy technology will allow man to recycle more and do things in a more sustainable way. There is a lot to unpack there.