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Cappylovesmittens t1_irvy1nv wrote

Ethnocentric means ethnicity preference, which is not what we’re talking about here when discussing different species of animal.


Terpomo11 t1_irvzjma wrote

I'm talking about how different cultures have different standards about different animal species.


m3ngnificient t1_irw9m2b wrote

That's very true and also the base of my argument whenever someone talks about how some Asian cultures eat dogs and how that's cruel. I eat beef, pork, etc., but I was raised in India. A lot of people there think of eating meat similar to how people think of others eat dogs over here. My community isn't restricted on vegetarian diet, so when I eat meat, some people looked at me weird or downright told me how disgusting it looks to them.


NovaCain t1_irx8xxc wrote

It's not their culture to eat dog, it's the fact they're impoverished. People in Africa also eat dog and that's more of a cultural thing than it is in Asian countries.


m3ngnificient t1_irxdis6 wrote

Yeah, and I'm not denying there are other communities that eat dogs and cats. And yes, a lot of it is due to poverty, but whether it's due to poverty or historical/religious significance, if a majority of the community finds it acceptable to practice something, it's part of their culture. People don't see a dog and associate them as an extension of their family, they see an animal that's got meat on it. Same way a lot of Indians see cows and they associate it as a sacred animal and not a food source.