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Xeludon t1_is0dxt6 wrote

In an emergency situation, with an unconscious patient who is close to death, what do you think is easier; confirming by I.D. or getting permission to go through private medical records, then sorting through them on a computer until you find the sex of the patient?


RoastedRhino t1_is0i9nx wrote

In an emergency situation close to death? You look at the person and you take the best educated guess of whether they are biologically male or female. Do you think they look at their driving license?


Xeludon t1_is0jl1l wrote

There's many, many emergency responders in this thread who are all saying they do, and a quick Google search will show you that they do if they need to.

If you have a very butch or very effeminate person and you can't tell, do you think taking a guess is appropriate?

Guessing in an emergency situation gets people killed.