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Over-Analyzed t1_is06brd wrote

There’s a difference in context. Here you are given context and you and so many others ignore that context. That is ignorance. The fact that you are arguing with me shows a pride in that ignorance. Instead of understanding my frustration.

It would be no different than someone showing a Hindu temple and pointing to that symbol and claiming “Nazis were here.” They have context but ignore the cultural cues and choose their own view, dismissing any other possibility. Then have that joke repeated endlessly.

Who exactly am I grilling? I’m venting my frustrations at the ignorance of people. That instead of looking things up they assume DBZ. If you had gone through what I’m angered about then why didn’t you look things up? You’re just as ignorant as those you are frustrated with. Why do you assume?

I mean, did you even bother to read the article?


ImAHardWorkingLoser t1_is090t0 wrote



Over-Analyzed t1_is09aak wrote

😐 Just because it happened to you and you’re okay with it. Doesn’t mean I have to be.

Look at the comments, aside from a small handful everyone is talking about DBZ. Don’t get me wrong, I love the show. But really? The entire thread. Uplifting news while ignoring an entire culture’s existence, history, and language. What fun!