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OneTrueKingOfOOO t1_is0gdb4 wrote

I watched bits and pieces of DB and DBZ way back when. Just started Super recently and have been thinking “man who are all these people, maybe I should go back and rewatch. Reading this I think I’m good


grumpykruppy t1_is0w0uy wrote

Supposedly DBZ is good.

I haven't heard many positives about original Dragon Ball though.


Saint-just04 t1_is0y0vt wrote

The original DB is awesome, albeit more childlike than dbz.


HammofGlob t1_is10hwh wrote

Og DB is a waay better show! More childish maybe, but much more fun to watch. It actually goes downhill when it transitions to DBZ and all the fights start to drag on for 5 episodes while Goku is on his way there. Piccolo is the lamest villain ever and mr popo is just… offensive. At least they way they draw him is. Kami is one of the only good things about those later eps.