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ghostoutlaw t1_irylv5q wrote

Is it a senzu plant?


StewofPuppies t1_irzenka wrote

Can I just say Goku was a terrible dad giving Cell a senzu bean so he could beat the shit out of Gohan. He didnt even want to fight.


ghostoutlaw t1_irzhn4e wrote

DBZ Abridged covers this in depth how shitty of a parent goku is. It's actually called out several times. And it's fucking hilarious.


ThePresidentsNipples t1_irzjy65 wrote

Consider that dummies child hood though, of course he was a shitty dad. Every one that was raising him up was kinda a bastard.


Gh0stMan0nThird t1_is09ee5 wrote

All of his friends were complete sociopaths.

A girl tried to bang every guy who had anything she wanted, even tried to sexually manipulate a child

A shape-shifting borderline sex offender

An old man with a turtle fetish who was an actual sex offender

A womanizing thief who lied and manipulated everyone but his pet cat

Ironically his only decent friend was Krillin whose worst crime was just being a selfish asshole

A giant who practically sold off his daughter at the ripe age of 8

Same daughter who physically abused her forced husband

I don't remember much about Tien and his dwarf clown sidekick but if memory serves they were the only two good dudes

Needless to say the original Dragon Ball was really fucking weird


StewofPuppies t1_is0aor1 wrote

I can't believe you forgot the most important character. Emperor Pilaf


flamethekid t1_is0ef8z wrote

Don't forget Launch who would shoot up Goku Everytime she sneezed.


dedicated-pedestrian t1_is0whog wrote

Tenshinhan and Chiaotzu were part of the Crane School so they were kinda assassins. But they turned out okay after getting beat up once, fair and square in a tournament no less.

Too bad Toriyama hates them for some reason.


OneTrueKingOfOOO t1_is0gdb4 wrote

I watched bits and pieces of DB and DBZ way back when. Just started Super recently and have been thinking “man who are all these people, maybe I should go back and rewatch. Reading this I think I’m good


grumpykruppy t1_is0w0uy wrote

Supposedly DBZ is good.

I haven't heard many positives about original Dragon Ball though.


Saint-just04 t1_is0y0vt wrote

The original DB is awesome, albeit more childlike than dbz.


HammofGlob t1_is10hwh wrote

Og DB is a waay better show! More childish maybe, but much more fun to watch. It actually goes downhill when it transitions to DBZ and all the fights start to drag on for 5 episodes while Goku is on his way there. Piccolo is the lamest villain ever and mr popo is just… offensive. At least they way they draw him is. Kami is one of the only good things about those later eps.


MaestroPariah t1_irzftq2 wrote

Came in hoping for a DBZ comment and was not disappointed.

Good on you, human.


ovaltine_spice t1_irzw0kg wrote

Ok I'm going to be that guy.

The mainline of that arc is that Goku realises he can't beat Cell. He knows if he is gone, and there isn't someone strong enough, everyone is doomed.

He knew Gohan was more powerful than him.

Gohan had to beat cell at his strongest, or he wouldn't be strong enough later and everyone would be dead anyway.

All roads lead to everyone dead if Gohan couldn't reach his potential.

^^Edit: It leads to one of the best episodes. That depicts the week before the Cell games. Everyone expects him to be amped like usual, but he spends the entire time just chilling with his family, not training and telling Gohan to take a beat too. He knows it could all go south.

However, Goku is still a shitty father. Vegeta 4 lyf.


Gh0stMan0nThird t1_is09v9n wrote

Ah yes Vegeta "stop crying I'll take you the park after I beat you"

Real father of the year


ovaltine_spice t1_is0k7sh wrote

At least he's a present father and husband.

For the most part he trained at home. Instead of swanning off to the desert for months. Not even coming home.

And you can call it 'beating', he was training his son, then at least he did take him to the park after. And in the context of the show, he isn't shown to hate it. It's played like he pestered Vegeta into training him.

Vegeta refuses until Trunks reveals he can go Super Saiyan.


StewofPuppies t1_is0agq4 wrote

Hey, I'm sure Trunks toughened up after that. Personality wise he does seem tougher than the aloof Gohan and Goten.


Hecticfreeze t1_is2finn wrote

Goku being a shit dad is directly addressed in the manga. He's basically a child in an adults body who never grew up because he never had a proper childhood himself, was forced into a marriage that he didn't really understand the concept of, and saw his kids as more like new friends to hang out with than children he was directly responsible for.

Also all the men in the manga are giant perverts.


StewofPuppies t1_is2iw13 wrote

I think it also overlooks the fact they decide the fate of the universe based on rock paper scissors and who gets first dibs and it isn't just Goku its everyone. Even Krillin and Vegeta.


nitonitonii t1_irxrj3p wrote

They found a new vegeta~?


justreddis t1_irz5nfy wrote

Yeah the scientists proved the Vegeta was indeed not extinct by Piccoling a Cell from a Frieza sample of this thing


SpecialpOps t1_iryd2g5 wrote

The plants are being propagated by seeds, and 30 baby plants were put in confidential locations according to the article. Also:

“Delissea argutidentata was last seen in this area in the early 1970s within three small enclosures fenced by a former tenant. A plant pressing collected from the area in 1971 notes that there were only three plants remaining, the tops of all the plants were damaged – presumably by cattle – and there was no regeneration, likely due to the dense grass. The forward-thinking and installation of protective fencing are key attributes to the species’ persistence in an area highly modified by previous pastoral usage.”

Edit: I could not find anything on this plant having Entheogenic properties nor can I find any other medicinal properties for it. It appears to just be a missing part of the ecosystem.


persiantaco t1_irxwgku wrote

I’m sorry, what was the schools name?


ThePresidentsNipples t1_irxxu63 wrote

It was the name of a Hawaiian king.....not shure if he was over 9000, but from what I've been told yes.


Ok-Wasabi2873 t1_iryh6ap wrote

The Rock was originally going to play him in a movie. I haven’t heard much about that movie.


Over-Analyzed t1_irzzngf wrote

That was met with animosity as Samoans and Hawaiians did not get along.


Gh0stMan0nThird t1_is0a14m wrote

Hawaiians and Samoans are natural enemies.

Like Hawaiians and Europeans.

Or Hawaiians and Philippinos.

Or Hawaiians and other Hawaiians (big islanders especially)


kolohekoa t1_is0ajqi wrote

Aloha, when are you referring to? If you study the genealogies you'll see that Samoans and Hawaiians are intertwined.


FLORI_DUH t1_is0l2nw wrote

So are Americans and Europeans but plenty of animosity there too


kolohekoa t1_is1umtf wrote

Sure. Its just that as a kānaka maoli and samoan person, this is the first I am hearing that we do not get along.


Over-Analyzed t1_is1g89d wrote

My apologies I misread an article about opposition to him and the role. It wasn’t that there’s conflict between Samoan and Hawaiian. But that a Samoan and not a Hawaiian was casted.


kolohekoa t1_is0bc98 wrote

Jason Momoa is working on a series right now called Chief of War. He's playing an aliʻi of Kauaʻi so the Rock might still play King Kamehameha I.


flippythemaster t1_iryhysw wrote

The Kamekamehas were monarchs of Hawaii. (You know, before they were illegally ousted by the CEO of the Dole Pineapple Company with the tacit endorsement of the United States in a coup that was condemned by the League of Nations.)

Akira Toriyama heard the name and thought it sounded good and so used it as the name of Master Roshi's signature attack. There's probably also a pun involved there, as the Japanese word for "turtle" is 亀, kame, and of course Roshi is the turtle hermit.

Maybe a little tone deaf, but what're ya gonna do? Toriyama was working on a weekly deadline.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_iryi0v1 wrote

Kamehameha V

>Kamehameha V (Lota Kapuāiwa Kalanimakua Aliʻiōlani Kalanikupuapaʻīkalaninui; December 11, 1830 – December 11, 1872), reigned as the fifth monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi from 1863 to 1872. His motto was "Onipaʻa": immovable, firm, steadfast or determined; he worked diligently for his people and kingdom and was described as the last great traditional chief.

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daydaywang t1_irzq2n1 wrote

Kamehameha literally translates to turtle destruction wave.

Kame = 亀 turtle

Hame = 破滅 destruction

Ha = 波 wave


Over-Analyzed t1_irzzu0p wrote

Not as tone deaf as the countless DBZ references people are making that are completely ignorant of Hawaiian language and culture. 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Did anyone read the article?

EDIT: nah, downvote me because I’m frustrated the entire thread is DBZ references and very few care about Hawaii. Let’s continue to ignore a culture that was suppressed and nearly wiped out of existence. 🤙🏻


ImAHardWorkingLoser t1_is00g0g wrote

If they don't know about the Hawaiian relation, it isn't tone deaf


Over-Analyzed t1_is01asb wrote

It literally says “on Hawaii.” If anyone actually bothered to read the article they could make the connection. I don’t understand why people pride on ignorance of another culture. But you think I would be used to it. This is below the minimum effort to understand the relation to Hawaii.

Or do you seriously think that everyone here is that ignorant of Hawaii? Do you really think they’re that stupid? Or are you projecting your own ignorance onto everyone else?


ImAHardWorkingLoser t1_is01kcf wrote

Jeez calm down mate. I meant, if someone doesn't know that Kamehameha was a king or even a word in Hawaiian language, then them making DBZ references isn't tone deaf. If they knew, and made jokes anyway, then it may qualify as tone deaf (though seeing that these are very harmless references, it isn't disrespectful imo).


Over-Analyzed t1_is01wei wrote

Nah, you’re trying to justify ignorance. 🤷🏻‍♂️.

I’m not saying not knowing the connection to Kamehameha the King but understanding that it’s Hawaiian and not a Japanese Animated character.

Let me ask you how you would feel if people made cheap jokes about your culture, heritage, etc? Or do you not have any connection to one in particular? Perhaps you don’t understand how tiresome ignorance of other cultures can be?

The word Haole is becoming a matter of fact. As I said, a few? Okay, but the entire thread? Really?


ImAHardWorkingLoser t1_is05o1e wrote

>Nah, you’re trying to justify ignorance.

Alright, if you're so adamant about it, then make of it what you will

>I’m not saying not knowing the connection to Kamehameha the King but understanding that it’s Hawaiian and not a Japanese Animated character.

Before this thread, I thought Kamehameha was a word created for DB so....

>Let me ask you how you would feel if people made cheap jokes about your culture, heritage, etc? Or do you not have any connection to one in particular? Perhaps you don’t understand how tiresome ignorance of other cultures can be?

Dude, you're talking to the wrong guy. People assume a very important cultural and religious symbol of mine is just a sign for neo-nazis and hate groups simply coz they recognize swastika as the symbol of Nazi party rather than the thousands of years old part of Hinduism. But I don't go about grilling them on reddit simply coz I know they are unaware of the history of swastika and the negative connection is all they know. I just try to educate them about its importance and move on.


SweetLuf t1_is07c7z wrote

Someone must’ve blew a rasengan up his ass this morning


Over-Analyzed t1_is084ym wrote

Yeah a tourist who ignored all warnings, destroyed the reef, tried taking rocks from a heiau, and tried to pick up a sea turtle. People who are disrespectful about a culture that is close to my heart. It’s frustrating. A few jokes? Okay. But the entire thread? Really? Why is everyone so fixated on cultural ignorance? A culture that was damn nearly wiped out by Americans.

Would you be making these jokes if it were Native Americans instead?

You’re kinda proving my point. Instead of understanding the need to acknowledge other cultures. You favor ignorance and poor assumptions. It doesn’t sound like you read the article.


SweetLuf t1_is1m6qc wrote

You’re actually correct I didn’t read the article. But whilst I think you were being a bit hyperbolic in your replies, I get where you’re coming from. I wouldn’t want to see Hawaiian culture disappear, and certainly not Native Americans either (what’s left of it at this point no thanks to colonialism).


Over-Analyzed t1_is27h3g wrote

I was a little over defensive. But come on? 90% of the thread is people talking about DBZ. I love the show. Every guy I knew watched it.

What happened to Native Americans is horrific. Hawaii was more politically achieved without bloodshed. The last monarch Queen Liliuokalani forbade her followers from taking action. She didn’t want any lives lost.

The culture and language has made a resurgence but there is no way to restore all that was lost. People want to move here but locals can’t afford to buy a home for their families. The average price for a family house is $1 Million. I’m a pretty social person but even I want to tell tourists not to move here. I could probably inherit my parents’ house somewhere down the line. Although I can’t imagine my heartbreak when that time comes. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get my own.

Hawaii has its issues. There’s no doubt about that. But there’s also a lot of pride that comes with it.


Over-Analyzed t1_is06brd wrote

There’s a difference in context. Here you are given context and you and so many others ignore that context. That is ignorance. The fact that you are arguing with me shows a pride in that ignorance. Instead of understanding my frustration.

It would be no different than someone showing a Hindu temple and pointing to that symbol and claiming “Nazis were here.” They have context but ignore the cultural cues and choose their own view, dismissing any other possibility. Then have that joke repeated endlessly.

Who exactly am I grilling? I’m venting my frustrations at the ignorance of people. That instead of looking things up they assume DBZ. If you had gone through what I’m angered about then why didn’t you look things up? You’re just as ignorant as those you are frustrated with. Why do you assume?

I mean, did you even bother to read the article?


ImAHardWorkingLoser t1_is090t0 wrote



Over-Analyzed t1_is09aak wrote

😐 Just because it happened to you and you’re okay with it. Doesn’t mean I have to be.

Look at the comments, aside from a small handful everyone is talking about DBZ. Don’t get me wrong, I love the show. But really? The entire thread. Uplifting news while ignoring an entire culture’s existence, history, and language. What fun!


TheTruthenatorer t1_is0snbc wrote

>Let me ask you how you would feel if people made cheap jokes about your culture, heritage, etc?

I have mostly Irish heritage. I've been to Ireland multiple times, I love the music, the people, the food, and the culture. I also don't throw a hissy fit when people associate St. Patrick's day with drinking.

Get over yourself. I'm sorry that the most popular ability from an extremely popular anime is more well known than some king who died a century and a half ago, but if you expected it to be any different then I hope this has been a reality check for you.


Over-Analyzed t1_is1egi7 wrote

Your culture is celebrated. Hawaiian culture was banned and nearly destroyed. Also, if anyone bothered to read the article they may yet learn something. I wouldn’t be bothered by a few jokes but the entire thread of people ignorant of an entire culture? Hello Ethnocentrism my old friend.

Would you treat Native Americans with the same disrespect?


someinfosecguy t1_is16d83 wrote

It actually says "on Hawai'i". Hawaii refers to the state, Hawai'i refers to the specific island.


Over-Analyzed t1_is1cq0y wrote

🤨, it’s spelled exactly the same. The lack of okina is a spelling choice on the writer. The way Hawai’i is pronounced is exactly the same. It’s also why locals refer to the island as The Big Island. The reason why the island and the state have the same name is thanks to King Kamehameha The Great who originated from The Big Island as he conquered the other islands.

Hawai’i is pronounced Ha-vye-ee. That applies to the island and the state. Everyone is too lazy to pronounce it correctly, myself included.


KeaboUltra t1_is23yo1 wrote

a long time ago, I asked a question on yahoo answers because I noticed that the computer had auto corrected "kamehameha" with a capital "K". Which made me wonder why it was in a dictionary considering anime terms usually aren't considered in reality. That's when I was informed that it was the name of a Hawaiian king. Even the answerers were surprised about that. Gotta say it's pretty amusing watching people find this out today.


terdferg88 t1_iryyx9v wrote

I like how 2 certain groups of us can read that really easily.


ChiragK2020 t1_is10h07 wrote

Anime fans and those who watched that one flipbook video right?


joestaff t1_irxzxap wrote

Hawaii had a handful of kings named Kamehameha, pretty sure one of them banged their own mom.

One of the many things I learned in their school system's "mandatory classes."


theticofthetac t1_irz5myf wrote

Incest was a big part of the Hawaiian culture, they believed that the body contained “mana” and the chiefs (ali’i) had the most. The chiefs family would breed with each other to keep the bloodline pure.

They would also secretly discard anything discarded from the body(toenails, hair, etc.) as they believed eating it would give someone else some of the mana from the chief.

On Kauai, the cliffs at Polihale are said to be where the chiefs bodies were buried and then those who buried them would jump off and kill themselves to keep the secret so they couldn’t be found!

Edit: I grew up in Hawaii as well! Can’t tell you where the states are but I can tel about the chiefs of Hawaii!


HughGedic t1_iryosna wrote

Ka-me, ha-me…. Ha?


gyhiio t1_is0cgt2 wrote

Precisely, but the last "ha" is only in 2 episodes, stick around!


NapalmSnack t1_is0amtk wrote

Ka- meha- meha , but when I first learned the name I thought the same thing


floppysausage16 t1_irzwjbb wrote

Thats my school. AMA


Over-Analyzed t1_irzzqvc wrote

Wait seriously?


floppysausage16 t1_irzzt39 wrote

Yup. Well not that campus but the OG one on Oahu.


LotusCSGO t1_is0t8ow wrote

How is it pronounced, and do you purposefully add pauses between each syllable while you shout it as loud as you can?


flippythemaster t1_is134y0 wrote

Wikipedia says it’s pronounced


How that actually translates into sounds you make with your mouth is above my pay grade because I never learned to read those special characters


PM_ME_UR_TOTS_GRILL t1_is1jf46 wrote

if you say it like the anime it’s “kame hame ha”, but the hawaiian name is “ka meha meha”


floppysausage16 t1_is1xrml wrote


And no haha, no dramatic pauses. It's spoken straight through.


livingpunchbag t1_is0x3ob wrote

Do you guys make Dragon Ball jokes all the time?


Over-Analyzed t1_is1esnl wrote

Well yes because we love the show and nothing to do with the Hawaiian Monarchs.


jl_theprofessor t1_iryfdo2 wrote

You could tell coming in what the jokes would be about.


Hyacin420 t1_irzjwq3 wrote

Thank Kami and the Dragonballs!


JLock17 t1_iryuhr9 wrote

Eat it, and you'll retcon the lore.


USMNT_superfan t1_irz5ud8 wrote

Huh, a plant that thought it was extinct. Fascinating


DarthDoobz t1_is0cztj wrote

Turtle School is so badass


8-36 t1_irxr5wf wrote

That school must be full of weebs.


xmac t1_is03k6g wrote

Onda energetica Schools


AutoModerator t1_irxkjej wrote

Reminder: this subreddit is meant to be a place free of excessive cynicism, negativity and bitterness. Toxic attitudes are not welcome here.

All Negative comments will be removed and will possibly result in a ban.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


Comprehensive-Leg752 t1_irzmknm wrote

Now wonder those th8ngs were so hard for Korin to grow, they were seemingly extinct in the wild.


cheapsnakeoil t1_is099io wrote

They also found a rare collection of dirty magazines belonging to Master Roshi


SoManyGoblins t1_is0qre0 wrote

Kamehameha is something other than Goku's beam?


TwoMasterAccounts t1_irzzrm6 wrote

Goku ain't a shitty parent, JFC watch the fucking show and stop meming. Such comments are so cringe to anyone that actually watched DBZ.

Everything he does is for his family and Earth. The one time he doesn't do so is letting Vegeta live at the end of the Saiyan arc. And that turns out to be a very good decision throughout the rest of the series.

"hurrr durr he gave Cell a senzu bean for no reason / so Cell could beat up Gohan"

Uuhh no, Goku couldn't beat Cell and Goku says as much. Goku only fights Cell to begin with essentially for the fun of it but his plan all along was for Gohan to beat Cell. Gohan can turbo fuck Cell once he taps into his true potential and Goku gave Cell the senzu bean so it wouldn't detract from Gohan's accomplishment, and that a 100% Cell doesn't matter. Goku's misstep here was not discussing the strategy with Gohan first and Piccolo reams him out for it saying that Gohan is a soft hearted boy and doesn't have the same thirst for a fight that Goku does. THAT is why Cell is able to beat on Gohan until Android 16 gives his speech, Gohan finally understands what he he must do, and Cell promptly gets turbo fucked like how Goku knew would happen.

EVEN at the height of Gohan's strength in that battle, Goku is STILL giving advice to Gohan telling him to finish Cell quickly because despite the new power difference, Cell is a greasy mother fucker and can still win. Gohan gets ahead of himself, Cell tries to go boom-boom and Goku - again for his family and the Earth - sacrifices himself to save everyone. Cell comes back stronger than ever, Gohan is about to give up, and Goku cheers his son on from the afterlife and gives him the courage/mental strength to finish off super powered Cell.

The whole point of the Cell arc is about Goku leaving the protection of the Earth to a new generation since Goku knows he won't always be around to defend it.

Goku is not a shitty parent, so SHUT. THE FUCK. UP. YOU. CRINGEY MEMIMG RETARDS.


TheYukster t1_is0vtey wrote

Bro is defending the parenting of a fictional character lol


TwoMasterAccounts t1_is12e0v wrote

Man I rather be whatever you say about me than be one of these infinite goobers talking complete BS about shit they don't know. That goes for any subject and it's not a high bar. But I guess your bar is getting jollies by dog piling someone who spat some truth.


TheYukster t1_is1e5k8 wrote

As I said

You are defending a fictional character