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Enemyofusall t1_is167z9 wrote

So maybe my grandma having me rub a cut potato on my wart and the wart disappearing wasn’t just a coincidence/old wive’s tale?! Huh.


rutaceas t1_is2y4ae wrote

In Brasil, every grandmother does that. I have a very early memory of her rubbing a potato on my cousin's fingers and a few weeks later the warts really came off. Grandmas know everything.


Enemyofusall t1_is2ybyy wrote

100%! My grandma was Dutch and I was picking at my wart and she chops the potato in half and says to rub. I’m dumbfounded. Next time I see her she asks how the wart is..I look and it’s gone 😂 Magic.


exipheas t1_is1geeb wrote

I came to write the same comment.


tomsprigs t1_is2s6rh wrote

Me too!!!! Did they bury said potato in backyard after rubbing it on the wart?!


exipheas t1_is2x7su wrote

Yes. But that probably originally came from not wanting to waste food and growing some new potatoes out of it.


adventure_in_gnarnia t1_is2ccdx wrote

Probably just a coincidence. Warts are caused by a form of hpv.

It’s crude but I’ve found heating a paperclip over a candle and burning it down to the root slowly is 100% effective. Doesn’t hurt if you do a lot of quick dabs… it kinda just vaporizes it little by little and cauterizes so there’s little risk of infection. Salicylic acid works but takes forever and requires a consistent application schedule (terrible for ADD). Have had mixed results with freezing… both the kits and liquid nitrogen from the doctor (which they send a hefty bs bill for).


Sorcatarius t1_is36nqe wrote

I had this one on the joint of my thumb, right were it fleshy on top so I didn't really notice it until it got big. Mixed results with a kit, what I found helped a lot was filing it down with a nail file, then jamming that fucking freezing shit on it until it hurt, and then counting the 20 seconds it reccomended. Oh, and every 10 days? Nah, fuck that shit, 3 or 4 times a week.

This is the point where I add the disclaimer that I'm a terrible example and no one should ever repeat what I do unless you're a masochist.


Cindex9183 t1_is3hns6 wrote

I got fucked up and dug mine out with my bare hands. Dug down to the roots and ripped it out. Threw some antifungal shit on it, bandaged it, and took serrapeptase to keep it from coming back. It was too deep for the freezing kit, it always came back. I had the damn thing for like two years, even the doc couldn't kill it.

Good thing I drugged myself first or that would've hurt like a motherfucker. But yeah don't use me as an example either lol.


Sorcatarius t1_is3i77p wrote

That sounds like it would work too, don't think I have anything strong enough to make ripping it out easier though, I'll stick with the slow burn method... though I suppose I could rip it out and then burn it, that would probably do it for sure...


Cindex9183 t1_is8zjrt wrote

I feel like if you ripped it out first you're mostly just burning your flesh after that.....

But yeah I didn't have any tools either, I just have strong fingernails. Especially back then when I was eating super healthy and exercising a lot. My now wife was impressed and horrified lol.


Sorcatarius t1_is955ef wrote

I feel like burning after is insurance, if you didn't quite get it all, if you're going to deal with the pain of ripping out your flesh, might as well go a step further to make sure you don't have to repeat the experience.


lying_Iiar t1_is2nzjj wrote

> requires a consistent application schedule (terrible for ADD)

Super tangential, but can you elaborate on this? I didn't know these things were linked.


adventure_in_gnarnia t1_is2xmqs wrote

Lol, you have to apply salicylic acid twice a day for like two weeks. As someone with ADD it’s not a schedule easily kept, making it pretty ineffective for me.


celticchrys t1_is3rw8k wrote

Yes, and no. Warts aren't caused by a fungus (they're caused by a virus), so something else is going on there.