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forever_erratic t1_is1oso2 wrote

Right. And yet, bacteria and fungi are still extremely different from one another.


Houseton t1_is1qkyq wrote

You are 100% right on that. Both are living organisms though so they are more alike there than viruses, which aren't living per se.


RobotArtichoke t1_is20tfu wrote

They both compete for the same resources though


_Wyrm_ t1_is3x5nv wrote

Viruses do not compete for resources. They take over cells and force them to make more.

There is no biological process that happens with respect to virii, save when they are created and when they latch onto a cell and inject their gunk in.

Bacteria and fungi, on the other hand, need energy to survive. They must feed off of their host.


cbftw t1_is1ybwg wrote

They're still more alike than virii and anything else in the world


Icantblametheshame t1_is303ov wrote

Yet they are similar. Like a whale and a jelly fish aren't anything alike but yet they are pretty similar and way different than a rock