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youwantitwhen t1_is1ot1t wrote

Wrong. Viruses are alive. Correct. Viruses are not alive.


Houseton t1_is1qa5z wrote

My statement implied viruses are not living. I didn't use the term alive..... Not sure what your comment is meant to be though


Unlimitles t1_is79n8z wrote

it's meant to be sarcasm because that person can recognize that this stupid string of comments are just propagandists making perfectly sure to drive home the confusion so people reading don't actually understand anything.

lol I'll be using this as case study to help people understand what Online Propaganda looks and behaves like, reddit is the perfect place to understand it, even helps in seeing it on other platforms because it operates the same.


Houseton t1_is7eqf5 wrote

wat?!? I guess, congrats for your case study ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯