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Atthetop567 t1_isd2p67 wrote


Goofy_Goobers_ t1_isdcl1e wrote

And I always kind of wondered why that was honestly. Like what differs between men and women that makes pedophilia more prevalent amongst males.



Judging by the amount of men on tik tok talking about their first time being with an older woman, I'm starting to think there are way more female pedophiles than people realize. It just isn't reported because men are supposed to like it.


blueheartsadness t1_isdx11t wrote

Yep. There are tons of female middle school/ high school teachers who have inappropriate relations with their students.


Chibsie t1_isdrlrb wrote

I'd kinda like to know the official answer to this too. I thought it may be because puberty hits girls a bit quicker (sometimes). Like early menstrual cycles and breast development. Men get a deeper voice and facial hair among other traits later than girls.


whilst t1_isf99gt wrote

I both expect that's true and wonder if it's not. Our cultural reaction to female pedophiles is often not as intense, and we have a long history of ignoring and misrepresenting women's sexuality.

I wouldn't be surprised if, of female pedophiles, far fewer actually act on it though. Men in our culture sure seem to have a hard time with empathy and are taught to push their feelings down, whereas women generally have empathy drilled into them from day one, and (very sadly) most have had to live through firsthand what it feels like to be the target of unwanted sexual advances.


Atthetop567 t1_isgz8cl wrote

Wow what a genius these basic observations you thoguht of in five seconds never occurred to any of the professional researchers who have looked into this


whilst t1_isib2qo wrote

I mean.... is no one allowed to engage in a conversation / wonder about the world?

You certainly didn't cite any sources... not sure why you're being salty about me not citing sources. Perhaps you could?


Atthetop567 t1_isij8ro wrote

You’re probably not sure about that because that’s not what happened. Try reading again


whilst t1_isjos3w wrote

Okay. Putting it differently: I'm not sure why you're angry with me. You made a four-word, unsupported comment, to which I responded speculatively. You then got angry at me for apparently disagreeing with the scientific consensus, which you never referenced.

I don't know what I did to deserve that, but I'm done talking with you. Have a nice day.