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tehpwarp t1_iscyi2l wrote

Amazing news. What a brilliant doctor and his specialist team. The advances in medicine and technology helped save this man's life and faculties. We are truly living in a golden age where this is possible, which wouldn't have been a few years ago. Now only if we stop screwing up the other things, it would be great.


jackmicek t1_isf638q wrote

So so true. My dad had a brain tumor removed two years ago that stretched 6 inches from behind his ear all the way to the top of his spine. When the doctor originally saw it he said things were looking very bleak but the dude pulled off the surgery and dad is now healthy and happy. Just had his annual follow up scan last week and he is still in the clear.


tehpwarp t1_isflzwa wrote

Amazing to know your dad is doing well. Give him well wishes from an internet stranger.


cometlin t1_isfe4ob wrote

Didn't they do the same during lobotomy and still screwed it up sometimes? What makes it different now?


purple-lemons t1_iseey9p wrote

Do they just kind of wing it for people who don't play an instrument?


613vc420 t1_iseo13z wrote

They give you a kazoo. Excellent comment btw


Juice8oxHer0 t1_iseszhg wrote

This is the real reason we all had to learn Hot Cross Buns on the recorder


Rargmas t1_isepnpl wrote

For similar procedures in people who aren’t musicians, they will constantly talk to the person. Ask questions, have them count, or tell them to do something with their hands to asses speech and motor function


Sherwood1487 t1_iseyu8z wrote

Just give me my switch and animal crossing


Jakemcdtw t1_isf90nf wrote

Oh no, something has gone wrong. They seem to have gone into a vegetative state with little to no brain function!


MSnotthedisease t1_isfld7g wrote

Yeah, its so they can know they messed up when you suddenly rip an absolute banger of a solo


MoreMegadeth t1_isdnoj9 wrote

Awesome stuff. It said playing the instrument helped map out the brain while he used both hands, counting numbers etc. Hopefully Ill never have to be in this situation but if I were I wonder if playing an intense game like Doom would work as well.


HolyBunn t1_isf7v5b wrote

Now the question is what games would everyone play during their surgery. Mine would be halo 3


Venboven t1_isfbyj5 wrote

I feel like Minecraft would be a good standard choice for everyone.

Games like Doom/Halo can sometimes get a little intense, and I doubt that's ideal during brain surgery lmao.

But Minecraft is just chill, yet at the same time, still very captivating for many people.


HolyBunn t1_isfhcl5 wrote

I guess it would depend on how good someone is at the game


zag12345 t1_isfcx02 wrote

League of legends


Terrik1337 t1_isfwa2a wrote

They're trying to map the brain not give you an aneurism.


zag12345 t1_isfwk0b wrote

I was going for a game which induces a wide range of emotions while being mechanically stimulating


Terrik1337 t1_isfwnv0 wrote

I was joking. It's obviously a good choice depending on the person.


Terrik1337 t1_isfw6hv wrote

Factorio. If I can't remember how a bus works you done fucked up.


Duros1394 t1_it1qs09 wrote

This could be dangerous. Lol you'd be there for too long like "no! I must finish the process! The Ore Must Flow!!!!"


Rosieapples t1_isfng4n wrote

I play Irish trad on a tenor ukulele. I think they’d fastrack their way through the op to get a break from reels, jigs, polkas, marches, hornpipes and slow airs! Lol


greyyakdad t1_isd4d6r wrote

Badass! While I won’t presume to speak for the whole internet, there’s at least some of us hoping there was some serious wailing on the riff from “Careless Whisper” going on in that OR.


Willy_wolfy t1_isd05k7 wrote

Every so often play a bum note then be like, naw just fuckin with ya.


HyDrOpOnIc1987 t1_isenv2o wrote

Lmao i would probably do this, then get my brain fucked up lol


DrewSmoothington t1_islq1wo wrote

The idea of playing my instrument (piano), and then suddenly not being able to play anymore due to the doctors poking around in my brain is literally nightmare fuel


PillCosby696969 t1_isd0xxx wrote

Giorno's theme for 9 hours. Tumor this is the inside of my skull, but you will never arrive at the BRAIN.


SirBoshuda t1_isemiwh wrote

Lol he must have had to take breaks, otherwise that’s one hell of a lip to go on for nine hours.


maethoriell t1_isf76ma wrote

That's what I was thinking!

Your jaw hurts and your mouth can get a bit numb if you play extra long...

edit: Article says: "[...]played the theme song from the 1970 movie "Love Story," and the Italian national anthem, at various times throughout the surgery."

So no wasn't constantly playing


TipYourDishwasher t1_iseoiob wrote

Imagine you needed a tumor removed but couldn’t play an instrument. The doc sits you down. “Im sorry but you’ll need to become a world class cellist before we can remove the tumor.”


CollectionOfAtoms78 t1_isd30if wrote

Is there any benefit to playing the saxophone the whole time? Or would it have a similar success without it? What if the guy needs to go to the bathroom? Or gets hungry? If he is awake wouldn’t he need something to curb those feelings?


RoboticGreg t1_isd6cvn wrote

The guy is awake but not fully awake, this is similar to practices done in functional neurosurgery. Often times they are not playing superbly, but they do it the entire time the surgeons are working near sensitive areas because the surgeons can hear minor changes in how they play that indicates what they are doing is influencing neural operations. For bathroom, they have a catheter in and they would be on a diet prior to the surgery to prevent bowel moments during the surgery

A lot of times for awake procedures they are just asking questions to track understanding and speech generation, listening to hear a thickening of the voice or incorrect word retrieval. When they do this procedure asleep, sometimes they insert an electrode in the brain and listen to the sound of the electrical activity to hear if they are influencing brain function(though more commonly they use micro electrode recording just to identify the right location in the brain)

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, I'm an engineer. I just develop tools for functional neurosurgery and observe a lot of neurostimulator placements where they often do stuff like this. Once I saw a guy playing an accordian!


originaw t1_isd6gbv wrote

From my limited knowledge and from reading the article, the patient didn’t play the saxophone the whole time, just during integral times.

Similar success without it - maybe but the brain is quite complex and no two brains are the same. Without the patient being awake and playing the sax, thereby activating those neural pathways to check if they are working properly, likely less of a probably of the same success. This helps the surgery team map which nerves are critical.

In the article it says that playing the sax is important to the patient and they wanted to make sure that the patient would still be able to play after the surgery. It’s important that not only surgery is successful but that the patient has a good quality of life. It doesn’t necessarily have to be playing the sax but could be any number of things that would be important to the patient - singing, playing the piano, dexterity in hand movement, etc.

Bathroom - they usually place a catheter so the patient wouldn’t feel the need to #1. Usually before any planned surgery, it’s required to not eat 24 hours before so #2 is unlikely. For craniotomies, usually you can eat a light snack if it’s before midnight.


Dragonmodus t1_ise2ipl wrote

Because other commenters weren't specific, the point is to ensure that the neurosurgeon stays away from areas of the brain that affect saxophone playing, because he'd abruptly start to mess up before permeant damage is done. In older medical dramas you'd see them do simple cognitive tests to assess the patient at various points through a surgery, this is a more advanced (albeit eclectic) method but is the same idea. Why a sax? Presumably the surgery is done in either parts of the brain associated with musical ability, or hand-eye coordination. I feel personally this is a great idea, I'd love to spend a terrifying surgery say, playing a video game, rather than literally thinking about nothing but the metal knife currently cutting into my soul. A side benefit of making the surgery safer is just gravy in my opinion.


Grandahl13 t1_isemtqs wrote

If you read the article you’d know they chose a saxophone because the patient was asked which functions specifically he’d like to keep and he said playing the saxophone was one of them.


hazpat t1_isf7ph9 wrote

They can test an area before making a cut. They see a section they need to excise they test by touching it, if it dramatically affects speech or motor skill, they look for another spot. Source: neurosurgery nurse explained the procedure before.


Lindaspike t1_iselkde wrote

why don't you read the article? it explains everything in plain english.


CollectionOfAtoms78 t1_isjamhi wrote

I clicked the link and all it showed me was two paragraphs restating the title.


Lindaspike t1_isljq7u wrote

that's weird! i read the whole article AND saw the pictures. nothing gory. maybe if you're on your phone it doesn't display everything. maybe try and ipad or desktop?


CollectionOfAtoms78 t1_isllewg wrote

I am on my phone, and I didn’t see any pictures, so you are probably right.


Lindaspike t1_islogwh wrote

it's a really interesting story! they frequently do thing like this to attempt to keep the patient's motor skills as normal as possible. there's a really good series on netflix called "Lenox Hill" about the famous hospital. part of it is about the neurosurgery team. it's so interesting and very emotional to watch. the other part is the maternity ward. i highly recommend it!


itsmanu t1_ise4wew wrote

As the doctor, I would go nuts after a while


Frostbitez t1_isekmir wrote

Epic sax guy 9 hour version.mp3


Appropriate-Coast794 t1_isdqyz4 wrote

He busts out St Thomas and a nurse starts doing the Charleston


BitterFuture OP t1_isemue1 wrote

Playing for nine hours through your own surgery does indeed make this man a saxophone colossus!


[deleted] t1_ise01a2 wrote

Epic sax Guy 9 hour version


ReasonablyBadass t1_ise5lb3 wrote

Not sure I would call this uplifitng, but certainly damn impressive.


piscian19 t1_iseq0vi wrote

And he did it just to teach Lisa Simpson a lesson about morality.


Stiff_Zombie t1_isfcqkl wrote

So what would they do if he suddenly started playing better?


SAM0070REDDIT t1_isfe3gb wrote

Continue prodding that area until he gains super mind powers, and destroys the earth, so I can be done with shitty humans.


AlexanderOdom t1_isfdzb9 wrote

You hear “oh shit, behind you”

-cue Yakety Sax-


TheKhaziOfKalibar t1_isfo6r8 wrote

Bad news. They were unable to find a way to get him to stop and his Kenny G-itis remains untreated. He’s being referred to Dr. Rafferty’s practice in Baker Street for a second opinion.


baron182 t1_isebgvw wrote

Are the “neural pathways” really more complicated in left-handed brains? If he means that it’s more complicated to perform the surgery because some of the brain areas are reversed I get it, but more complicated neural pathways?


jsmith_92 t1_iseecrc wrote

Next story line for Grey’s Anatomy


Moglo825 t1_iseuy79 wrote

They already did. On Wilder Valderrama


AWL_cow t1_isethju wrote

What if I need brain surgery but I don't know any cool instruments to play? What can I do instead?


CoopDonePoorly t1_isfocz6 wrote

Well, in that case you wouldn't play an instrument because it's not something you need (for a career) or want (for hobby or something) so you'd talk with your doctor about alternatives for you. It's a very personalized process, they could just have someone chat with you, do cognitive tests, read a book aloud, play a video game, it's whatever is related to your wants/needs in life.


uVooDooDatDat t1_isevco9 wrote

The Chopperating Room! … & the chopperation.


BigSexytke t1_isf0gnr wrote

I give this person a distinguished!


Miss_My_Travel t1_isf710e wrote

I'm impressed! Even when I was playing daily, at an hour long concert my mouth muscles would be like jelly.


gazw51 t1_isfdyx1 wrote

I had major brain surgery twice but I was very much asleep throughout both. I can’t begin to imagine going through it awake. They did wake me up as planned at some point during my 15 hour surgery but put me back to sleep again and I don’t remember anything between sedation and recovery. This bloke is another level.


hermenaut t1_isfi5ob wrote

9 hours of sax would give me a brain tumor.


mishthegreat t1_isfiqca wrote

I remember years a go seeing a video of a blue grass banjo player that was having an issue with part of his brain and they woke him up with the top of his skull off and had him play while they shocked different parts of his brain, when they hit the right spot his playing sped up noticably. They implanted electrodes and put him back together so he had the ability to shock himself if his brain was playing up.


FTDMFR t1_isfnanm wrote

Can I play the piano anymore?


necros911 t1_isfy02u wrote

Hope he was rocking ‘I still believe’ from Lost Boys soundtrack.


AutoModerator t1_iscvxn5 wrote

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kharjou t1_iseecxz wrote

Imagine you're a surgeon trying to do a very hard brain surgery for 9 hours and the patient plays epic sax guy in a loop for the whole duration. Physically painfull


seremuyo t1_iseuvte wrote

Any surgery that implies sax playing is futile.


Vis_M t1_isf5pvi wrote

Can I keep redditing or typing instead of playing music if I am having a brain surgery?


dclancy01 t1_isf7kax wrote

I’ll never forget seeing the guy who plays Fez in That 70s Show do this with a guitar in Grey’s Anatomy lol.


mmaybelle t1_isf9ogp wrote

Surgeon: ok turn the radio up please that saxophone sounds like shit


BizzyM t1_isfadsm wrote

"Oh god, not 'Baker Street' again."


varignet t1_isfbxlo wrote

I love your dodecaphonic jazz solo! what dodacephanic solo?!?


Deltronx t1_isfc8nl wrote

My special thing would be a skyrim speed run


Hack-Saw t1_isffoix wrote

God of War, Borderlands 2, BotW… Something I wouldn’t come close to finishing in nine hours…


ericboreen t1_isfkzlz wrote

Oh ok, well you're not going to ban me for what I'm thinking.