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tbbHNC89 t1_iskom2p wrote

"We can't give any of the land you were on when we kicked you off of it and genocided the rest of you because it had previously been contested before we got here" is just varsity levels of some of the dumbest bullshit I've ever heard. I'm genuinely impressed.

Edit: if you're gonna block me you should at least give me a few minutes to read whatever response you vomited up to defend your attempt to assuage your misplaced colonizer guilt by writing off reparatory actions by the US government for indigenous peoples completely.


TheJenerator65 t1_isl5p0i wrote

It’s so weak it’s not really worth your time, but to soothe your curiosity:

“Good job bringing your political beliefs into a conversation where they realistically shouldn’t have any pull but you managed to try and shoehorn them in here anyway. Seriously good try. The point that keeps eluding you is that conquered peoples don’t deserve their land back just because. We have as much right to the land as anyone else and we fought and pushed them off of it hundreds of years ago. And make no mistake the natives here gave as good as they got, they like to romanticize it in a lot of the things you probably watch being a social justice warrior but they were brutal to the settlers as well. Your opinion is childish and misinformed”


turnshavetabled t1_iskr7ws wrote

Good job bringing your political beliefs into a conversation where they realistically shouldn’t have any pull but you managed to try and shoehorn them in here anyway. Seriously good try. The point that keeps eluding you is that conquered peoples don’t deserve their land back just because. We have as much right to the land as anyone else and we fought and pushed them off of it hundreds of years ago. And make no mistake the natives here gave as good as they got, they like to romanticize it in a lot of the things you probably watch being a social justice warrior but they were brutal to the settlers as well. Your opinion is childish and misinformed
