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Rodereck t1_issdxkj wrote

Actually this thread was talking about Bill gates pushing "his" polio vaccines on other countries. You want an example ok well here's just one of the many lies that we're told. Initially in the beginning of the pandemic our government was spreading mass "Misinformation " saying that if you were to get the covid vaccine you couldn't get covid, then when we found out that was a lie the new lie became you can't spread it if your vaccinated then when we found out that was a lie the current lie is it'll stop severe hospitalizations. There's been many other things we found out weren't true that our own government had been spreading and having ppl believe but when these organizations spread "Misinformation " there's no one to hold them accountable for it... Also I don't know what country you are from but I highly doubt your news station are unbiased about the news they air.


sei556 t1_isslemo wrote

Can you actually link any speech where this was said? That the vaccine prevents you from getting it. Because if so that's pretty rough

Actually every citizen here has to pay a monthly fee to fund unbiased news. Of course, if something objectively bad happens, they report it as something bad - but overall they just report what factually happaned/was said.

It's inherintly boring to watch but a good source of information on what's going on.

I made some research, and here are some official statements regarding the covid vaccine in the past 3 years that were publicly available in the US (and also directed at US citizen)

The TLDR is:

There was very little missinformation at the beginning which was INSTANTLY reacted to by scientists and health departments.

(Edit: added quotations)


Dec. 21.2021


>If you are not fully vaccinated, you have good reason to be concerned. You’re at a high risk of getting sick. And if you get sick, you’re likely to spread it to others, including friends and family. And the unvaccinated have a significantly higher risk of ending up in a hospital or even dying.
>Almost everyone who has died from COVID-19 in the past many months has been unvaccinated. Unvaccinated.
>But if you’re among the majority of Americans who are fully vaccinated, and especially if you’ve gotten the booster shot — that third shot — you’re much — you have much, much less reason to worry. You have a high degree of protection against severe illness.
>And because Omicron spreads so easily, we’ll see some fully vaccinated people get COVID, potentially in large numbers. There will be positive cases in every office, even here in the White House, among the unv- — among the vaccinated — among the vaccinated — from Omicron.
>But these cases are highly unlikely to lead to serious illness.
>Vaccinated people who get COVID may get ill, but they’re protected from severe illness and death. That’s why you should still remain vigilant.

I agree that the first sentence may lead to misinformation. Not sure if it's just poor wording, but I get how that one was misleading. Overall, he makes pretty clear that the vaccine does not save you from getting sick though.


Sep 09. 2021


>I want to emphasize that the vaccines provide very strong protection from severe illness from COVID-19. I know there’s a lot of confusion and misinformation. But the world’s leading scientists confirm that if you are fully vaccinated, your risk of severe illness from COVID-19 is very low.

Again, mentioning how vaccinated people can still get sick but the chances of severe illness are lower (which is true to the current scientific standpoint)


March 17.2021


>"I would recommend it," Mr Trump said during an interview on Fox News Primetime on Tuesday.
>"I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly."

Trump recommending vaccine. I also have to agree that here he makes it seem as if the vaccine stops transmission with "I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it" (because they will still get it even with the vaccine)

However, in a later interview in december he said the same as Biden (that the vaccine merely protects you from severe illness.


Dec 08. 2020

>The president said the vaccine “will save millions of lives and soon end the pandemic once and for all.” The assertion contradicted health officials who note that it will be months before many Americans can be inoculated and that eradication of COVID-19 is far from assured.

Source: VOA

>Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, meanwhile, said millions of vaccine doses are being shipped but that, despite the good news, Americans must “double down” on public health measures.
>“As Americans get vaccinated, we need to continue taking steps like washing our hands, social distancing, and wearing face coverings to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities,” Azar said in a statement.

So this is the most of missinformation I could find. And it's not even that bad. Trump made an overstatement with how good the vaccine was, but this was instantly disproved by scientists and PUBLICLY AVAILABLE.


sei556 t1_issnrzu wrote

This one is interesting, because he contradicts himself in the video.

He says

>[...]That any virus, including the delta virus, which is much more transmissible and more deadly in terms on non-vaccinated people[...]

Which does imply they can still get it - but then the next sentence he basically says you not gonna get it if you get the vaccine.

So yeah, this is indeed a pretty bad speech of him and terrible wording.

Reading the article onwards:

>While vaccinations have been shown to protect against severe infection and death, they are less effective at preventing infections altogether. Biden's complete remarks during the CNN Town Hall included this context, although he did overstate and say that the vaccines would protect against infection in general.
>"If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in the IC [intensive care] unit, and you're not going to die," Biden said during the event. "So it's gigantically important that...we all act like Americans who care about our fellow Americans," he added.

So yes, he did spread some missinformation with that first overstatement, but it was directly disputed by himself.

I see how such poor wording can cause confusion and make people angry, but since the real info was out there even before that and he did say it correctly the same day, I don't really see this as a huge issue.


Rodereck t1_issp6vh wrote

The real info wasn't out there. At the time of the president saying this, this was the actual general consensus and if you said otherwise you were banned or shunned. All the media was going around telling ppl that if you were vaccinated you couldn't get covid and your helping the community lols. The reason you can't find a lot of info on this major fck up is because the government along with Google have made every attempt to suppress and cover up all the misinformation that they've put out over the years so the things that everyone knows they said that was completely untrue are hard to find on the internet today because they had it forcefully removed. Cdc has even been caught ghost editing their policies without changing dates on edits. This is just one of the many lies that were told and if this is your first time hearing about this then that means the censorship has been working...


sei556 t1_ist4e7o wrote

But if you read my reply carefully, you'd know that Biden himself corrected it in the context at the same event where this first quote was said.

It was missinformation, but also put out of context and the real info was in the exact same speech (if the source you linked can be trusted)


Rodereck t1_ist5214 wrote

No man it wasn't wrong word choice or something he misspoke, our president and the organizations under him were legit saying that if you were vaccinated you couldn't get covid in the beginning and like I said this is just 1 of the many lies that had been told...


sei556 t1_ist6k13 wrote

I'm not saying he didn't.

I did confirm that what he said was wrong.

But you need to read/listen to the context given. It's literally on the site you linked and I quoted it above.


Rodereck t1_ist9phh wrote

I just linked that site cause it was the 1st one I saw that had the video of when he said it. The article doesn't elaborate the misinformation and divide at the time that this happened and frankly they all try to sugarcoat what he did. If someone like u or me were to go around saying false medical information especially on reddit we would be shunned or banned but when your own President is making false medical statements to the entire world there's no checks and balances. If it was a one time thing it might be somewhat acceptable but when you look back and realize a majority of the things they told the general public was a lie or made up it makes you question the administration's credibility...