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Wscottwhite1721 t1_isvn0ic wrote

No they’re going in and buying up thousands upon thousands of acres of land and covering them in solar panels them fencing them off. Pushing out all the wildlife that was once there. I’ve also heard from people that live by them that it also is raising the temperature close by because they get hot but idk if that is so or not


far_257 t1_isvnk49 wrote

While it is sad that solar panels push out wildlife (just like agriculture and basically anything that uses land).. man something has to be done. I was in Austin two weekends ago and the air was notably nasty.


Wscottwhite1721 t1_isvoaua wrote

There’s other ways to do it. Agriculture does push out some animals but a lot of animals can still live in pasture land such as deer birds rabbits coyotes foxes ect but nothing can live on this land now. Instead giving discounts to big companies to go buy up land and build solar fields for profit it would be better everyone got their own. If the cities used their own buildings to put panels on and we used houses that would do way better. But Austin’s nasty air is from all the cars not power plants. Nuclear power plants is the way to go in my opinion


far_257 t1_isvofk9 wrote

I support nuclear but don't think we can sleep on solar just because of land use.


Wscottwhite1721 t1_isvp1fq wrote

Solar on buildings and houses are good. But solar fields destroying the land defeats the purpose. They don’t create enough electricity to balance out the problem. The reason the money is going towards solar farms and not to the people to put on their house is because no money can be made then.


Frubanoid OP t1_isvt2dq wrote

There are solar farms that are dual use. For example, in Japan, they grow some mushrooms in the shade for food. I've read about other projects that allow farm animals to get shade from the panels too and graze underneath.


Wscottwhite1721 t1_isvtweh wrote

That would be a little better but what I’m seeing done right now here is horrible


TrollGoo t1_isx5ge1 wrote

It’s all bullshit. It’s a new gold rush. 20 years ago the Clinton’s were in the Congo greasing palms and insider trading while deals were being made for cobalt, lithium, etc. not just the Clinton’s.. all of the players.. the modern day Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Ford, and Andrew Carnegie…. This is the real push for solar and wind.
American autos and gas plants are cleaner than they have ever been. The current tech needs to be pushed to foreign countries. The wealthier the people and country the more they care.


TrollGoo t1_isx4qot wrote

It is.. other countries have programs to paint roofs White because of stored heat from dark roofs. This whole green swing is another case of “None of us is a dumb as all of us”. Too many people with zero experience excited about magic.


Wscottwhite1721 t1_isx5iky wrote

I’m curious why I got so many downvotes for simply speaking out about something I see doing damage


TrollGoo t1_isx7b04 wrote

Everyone loves The Emperor's New Clothes" The moral is that it is best to trust oneself and be honest; Speak up for the truth and what is right. Without honesty, people often end up looking very foolish. The world has gone mad and they believe in magic beans. Anyone tries to tell them and they just get mad.


ExampleOpening8033 t1_isyfpwt wrote

You're foolishness is apparently everyone else's honesty, and vice versa reading your comments. Keep in mind that watching your favorite talking head that makes you happy isn't indicative of honesty.


[deleted] t1_iszan5w wrote



ExampleOpening8033 t1_iszbmw2 wrote

Your name is literally Trollgoo bud, not really expecting you to have insight on things that matter lol. Jumping in an uplifting climate change debate with crappy hot takes only confirms that.

I also love reading by firelight and do it frequently, maybe you should try it sometime.