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Wyvernator1 t1_isygw1g wrote

Becoming deaf and blind at the same time is my biggest nightmare. How would one communicate at all? You can't see anything and if you were suddenly deaf and blind nobody would be able to tell or show you what's going on and you would be so confused and scared


cgally OP t1_isyi1vm wrote

I agree it's an awful thought. In the video, they detail how she has developed a braille system that interfaces with a keyboard connected to other keyboards. She also works with someone who transcribes the conversation which is then converted to braille text for Haben to read. She is an amazing woman. She travels the world, salsa dances, and even has been surfing in Hawaii!!!!!!


LilacYak t1_iszeey4 wrote

How in the heck do you surf without sight!? Assisted?


Qwearman t1_it0jtmi wrote

Pete Gustin does vids on his life as a blind voice actor (as well as the Blind Surfer). It’s crazy the kind of tech and memorization that goes into it.

He has macular degeneration so one of his vids was explaining how he can look people in the eyes and point cameras.


frealfr t1_isyuz4z wrote

You could talk.


smokeNtoke1 t1_isyzkll wrote

How do you learn to do that?


Romeo9594 t1_isz71ls wrote

The same way Helen Keller did like 100 years ago. Hands on the face to feel vibrations and movements of someone's speech, then lots and lots and lots of practice with someone who has the patience to help you learn to replicate those vibrations yourself


Wyvernator1 t1_it170n7 wrote

God dayum, apparently people's jawbones(?) can feel vibrations/ "hear sound" quite well but I didn't know something similiar could be actually used