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cgally OP t1_iszf7m8 wrote

I initially did not get your joke bc I have no idea who Lillias White is. I searched her name and read about her major F-up last week.. That was pretty bad. Here's the Instagram post from the woman who was ridiculed. In fairness, she actually is sticking up for Lillias White, which is very commendable.


Darryl_Lict t1_it1h83k wrote

Man, what a fiasco. It's pretty amaing that people can use real time captioning devices but I can see why Lillias White made that mistake. I remember 40 years ago when a visiting professor from Bell Labs teaching a voice recognition class was telling us all the difficulties in performing that task and single speaker single word recognition was still 5 years in the future and speaker independent full flow sentences would be 20 years in the future. Now our phones do it easily and we don't even think about it.