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KerkiForza t1_itiokgc wrote

Hmm, probably because the Taiwan straight is one of the best places off the coast of China to place wind turbines because it has high wind speeds?

Edit: also that can't be quite right.. 115 miles is going straight into Taiwan. Like, onto land. Across the straight. Also would be ridiculously expensive and impractical. Article must have gotten something wrong.


Freyas_Follower t1_itr7386 wrote

China has always claimed the south China sea as its own, including Taiwan, despite what international laws says. It's why the us navy zig zags through the south china sea. It's to contest these claims. China is just trying to claim international waters for itself.


featherwolf t1_ititctt wrote

And the timing is just pure coincidence...


FinoAllaFine97 t1_itj1q8x wrote

The 'timing' you're referring to has been fabricated entirely by the USA. The PRC has been claiming Taiwan for decades.

Yes its a coincidence


featherwolf t1_itj2ff6 wrote

So, you believe the ratcheting up in rhetoric regarding Taiwan as of late and the historic re-election of Xi for a third term, increasing Chinese nationalism, the purging of dissidents are just ghost stories? Man, that's some pretty strong Kool aid you've been drinking.


HelloJoeyJoeJoe t1_itjf88h wrote

>Man, that's some pretty strong Kool aid you've been drinking.

Tankies def have strong convictions. Wrong but sometimes, like Qanon folk, You have to be mindful how stubborn they will be


ArielRR t1_itjiuz4 wrote

Are these tankies in the room with you right now?


HelloJoeyJoeJoe t1_itjj5h7 wrote

The logical disconnect is a bit scary. I mean, I'm talking to you right now aren't I?

You can also find them in any Putin apologist thread or in their mother's basement. Good times.


ArielRR t1_itjjld0 wrote

Using "mother's basement" as an insult in a time where housing is unaffordable for many. Really in touch with the common person, ain't you?

Tankie is when you can't afford housing


HelloJoeyJoeJoe t1_itjjuf9 wrote

I'm sorry about your situation. Have you tried getting job or asking for a bigger allowance? Maybe you can make furry porn, I heard that pays well in your circles.


ArielRR t1_itjkbt4 wrote

Mask slips off fast, don't it?

Scratch a liberal...


[deleted] t1_itjlfjr wrote



ArielRR t1_itjm3en wrote

I wasn't actually expecting actual discourse with a consultant who thinks poor people are subhuman. The fact that you use wealth as an insult is pretty telling.

The part about the mask, is basically a metaphor of fascists using a liberal mask to hide their true self.


morningreis t1_itjdjfa wrote

How does one "fabricate timing"? I wasn't aware the US had that technology. I'm sure China will steal it soon.


FinoAllaFine97 t1_itje8re wrote

I inferred from the other redditor's use of the word that what they meant to imply was context rather than timing.