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bigdogpepperoni t1_itla7t2 wrote

Lifestraws will work a few times and then get clogged up, especially when drinking from a not pristine water source. The flow rate is also horrible which makes it basically useless in any kind of survival/emergency situation. You’ll get a few sips of water, but you won’t be able to filter larger amounts needed for cooking or hiking between water sources.

It works, but only as much as it needs to, and doesn’t stand out in any way other than being the worst option with the best marketing.

I’ve been using the sawyer squeeze for years, it’s super versatile (can be a gravity filter, in-line filter, or thrown on top of a water bottle), it’s easy to clean (back flush) so that you maintain a good flow rate, it’s reliable, and best of all it’s not crazy expensive. I’ve probably put 300+ miles on it with 1000’s of gallons filtered through it.

Katadyn and MSR make similarly versatile filters, I’m just a sawyer squeeze guy.


Ok-Butterscotch-6829 t1_itlcdcp wrote

Thanks for the comment. So in summary it sounds like the LifeStraw works but isn’t as efficient as you’d like in an actual survival situation?


bigdogpepperoni t1_itlekxm wrote

Again, it’s the absolute bare minimum, if you were actually thirsty you’d be disappointed.