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Ocel0tte t1_itlqfrs wrote

I use AllTrails and COTrex, you're right AllTrails is not free for maps. It's 29.99/yr. Always check for a local app, I don't even have an account made on COTrex and they still let me download topographic or satellite maps as a guest. Also without reminding me, I was just looking to see if they have paid features and realized I've never logged in and I poke around on it almost daily lol. Before I leave I just open it, find the area I want, find a trail, and do whatever I need. 10/10 on local trail apps at least for CO, I bet other places have something similar.

I send them to my fiance more than I need them myself. Even if he doesn't know exactly where I'm at on the trail, I figure at least if I go missing he'll have a map to show the authorities.