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felixrocket7835 t1_itmjacl wrote

awesome, though i do hope he doesnt have an overly loud exhaust


earic23 t1_itnoy15 wrote

I hope he does


beamer145 t1_itnrpfi wrote

As someone with a (rather silent) motorcycle myself I see your sentiment a lot and I 100 pct don't get it. It's like the apartment neighbor that per se wants to play loud music annoying everyone around them. Why do you want to be that neighbor that everybody hates ? A desperate need to be in the center of attention when you pass somewhere , even if it is negative attention ? There is a small safety aspect to loudness if you are lane splitting, but I do not feel that is a justified reason to constantly annoy everyone around you, and I can rev a bit to make more noise if the need arises. Also loud motorcycles are causing more and more bans on nice roads for ALL motorcycles because ppl are just fed up with it.


earic23 t1_itr5xxe wrote

I’m all for semi-loud, because a) its nice to hear your machine, and b) there’s absolutely a safety aspect to it in a lot of situations in an urban environment. Cars simply don’t see us. I live in LA, and I’ve still had cars literally back into me because they couldn’t see me and couldn’t hear me even with a semi-loud aftermarket pipe. My goal isn’t to annoy anyone, but if I’ve gotta choose between a neighbor/random driver/resident near a moto road being annoyed by a sound, or my safety, sorry but that guy can deal with 5 seconds of noise. And idk what roads are getting banned for motorcycles cuz of sound. I’ve never even heard of such a thing and we have some of the best residential moto roads in the world. What are you riding?


beamer145 t1_itruddf wrote

Mmmm I don't have a need to hear my machine, if they were not so bloody expensive and have limited range I would have an electric one actually :). If you feel this kind of audio feedback gives you more driving pleasure, would having artificial engine sounds in the speakers of eg your helmet or in ear headphones be a substitute for the real thing (can't be that hard to generate sounds based on your actual drive behavior so it feels realistic, and you could have different parameters to make the sound configurable to whatever mood you are in that day) ? So far I never felt unsafe because of the lack of engine noise, but I did notice that cars don't hear me when I lane split at red lights so I am stuck behind them. Solvable by revving a bit more. But if there is another loud motorcycle with me they make place immediately :), so I (partially) agree with that point. I actually once had a car backing into me, during one of my first moto drivers lessons but luckily my instructor saw it and honked which solved that problem. I am in Europe though, so maybe that is related why I less have the feeling cars are trying to kill me if I don't make a lot of noise ( So far I was never in the US so no idea what it is like there). The motorcycle bans are pretty "popular" in Germany now eg And I understand those people too (in favor of the bans), because you might pass in 5 seconds, but one minute later the next one is there already and you don't have a moment of rest. But as a motorcycle owner I also want to do those roads of course (I have a campervan in which I can fit the motorcycle so I have driven everywhere in Europe). Mine is a honda nc750x, so not really something terribly impressive and sexy I am afraid, but I like it. Anyway, safe travels !


earic23 t1_itsdt07 wrote

I get that, but as someone whose always enjoyed cars and motorcycles, I've always had an appreciation for their sound. I'll be the first to admit that super loud straight pipe harleys aren't doing anyone any favors. It's flat out unnecessary, but I do enjoy a complimentary grumble to go with the engine noise. I see the electric bikes around town, and even as someone who is extra vigilant in looking for bikes while driving, they've still snuck up on me a couple times as they're dead silent minus a little whirring sound. What pisses me off is people that have zero stake in the game (that don't ride) having an opinion about it because of noise. They don't even have the first idea of the risks involved in riding, or the constant CONSTANT barrage of people trying to change lanes into us or are just pissed because we can split lanes. If they live by a main road, sure I guess, but that's why those houses cost 200 grand less, cuz noise.


ZellNorth t1_itnqpnf wrote

I get it’s for safety so cars can hear you but it’s so annoying when you’re not the one riding.


felixrocket7835 t1_itpghpk wrote

Loud exhausts actually kill, not save lives, they can distract pedestrians and motorists heavily just to put attention on a bike, it can, for example, make a pedestrian not able to hear an oncoming car because some biker has an extremely loud exhaust which is 5x louder than the cars around him.

No proper study has ever concluded that loud exhausts save lives.


earic23 t1_itr5ars wrote

As someone whose rode for 15 years, they 100% save the lives of the person on the motorcycle because no one can see us. It’s on pedestrians to look for cars and take care of themselves. Motorcyclists watch for everything, including pedestrians. There’s obviously obnoxiously loud, and semi loud. I’m all for semi loud.