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DomesticApe23 t1_itoilqt wrote

>On 12 June 2002 it will be a hundred years since Australia became the first country in the world to give most women the right to vote and the right to stand for the Commonwealth Parliament. New Zealand was the first nation to give women the right to vote, but not to stand, in 1893.

Edit: Every single moron in this thread who assumes this is because of 'quotas' or affirmative action is openly displaying their bitterness towards women.

All the women were elected. What else do you think could possibly be occurring. How fucking stupid do you have to be?


musicCaster t1_itrpxj9 wrote

I had to read the article as I was curious if this was a natural thing it because of quotas. Looks like it was a natural thing. Congratulations NZ.


DeTrotseTuinkabouter t1_its697a wrote

There is at least one party in the Netherlands who had as a rule that their candidates have to be 50% women. Hence, more women enter parliament as a result of people voting for that party (note: the party. Not per se on those women).

Is that not some form of affirmative action?


cnzmur t1_itutczw wrote

> All the women were elected

NZ has an MMP system, many of them were list candidates who were selected by their parties, not voted on directly.


[deleted] t1_itrocmt wrote



DomesticApe23 t1_itromhu wrote

Or? Do you have any idea what you're talking about? Or did you just begin with the assumption that it isn't possible for 50% of an elected government to be female?

You guys don't seem to realise how telling this is of your prejudices.


[deleted] t1_itrw30e wrote



Phantom-Z t1_itrzfqg wrote

>Is it not a problem that the woman have a smaller brain than a man? The government scientist Dr Yamuka has proved it is size of squirrel.

Hahah between the broken English and the blatant prejudice this comment is both incredibly funny and sad


TesLake t1_itrhqvk wrote

You are right, I was so stupid for believing a forced gender split in a political position has nothing to do with quotas or justice. Thanks for opening my eyes man


AnimusCorpus t1_its7ej9 wrote

I live in NZ, it's not forced. MPs are all made up of directly elected positions.

I'm sorry it's inconceivable to you that we vote for women sometimes, but that's a you problem.


cnzmur t1_itutnd9 wrote

No, MPs in NZ aren't all directly elected. The 72 electorate ones are, the list ones are selected by the parties and then we vote for parties not the MPs directly.