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Onegreenmartian t1_itpfua0 wrote

Except in scenarios where men have dominated seats unfairly for years just becaus they are men. You have to bring balance to the System you speak of.


Dirk_94 t1_itpksxb wrote

Thats true, but not a Balance of outcome

If every woman has a fair Chance to be elected i Support it.

If the outcome (50 % have to be women) i dont Support it. It doesnt solve anything realy, exept undermine the Basis of...well somebody getting elected.


duffman7050 t1_itpht5v wrote

Why must everything be 50%? In a large survey, most women preferred a male boss, so perhaps women are driving the imbalance out of their personal preferences.


gregorydgraham t1_itpj9nv wrote

Women can also be misogynists, its true


duffman7050 t1_itpkrns wrote

Is that what personal preference is called nowadays? When men go see a urologist and prefer a male urologist during revealing examinations, that preference is sexist but they're entitled to a preference and there's nothing wrong with that. Many women (my wife included) prefer male friends to female friends because they often express how exasperated they are with the drama and gossiping that often accompanies having female friends. There's nothing wrong with having preferences.


malaproperism t1_itpyx7w wrote

When you consistently experience drama with a specific group of people, it's time to consider whether you're the common denominator.


duffman7050 t1_itq0lnn wrote

I'll let my wife know her choices in friends is not considered suitable to the notoriously socially anxious/ antiwork redditor types.
