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Simcan99 t1_itz2wk1 wrote

Yaya, Mexicans doing things that American want to undo.


DIO_Penguin t1_itzgjut wrote

Maybe one day it will be Americans climbing over the wall lmao


ElleRisalo t1_itzh8y8 wrote

They already do for that sweet affordable health care. Think the Wall is more to keep Americans in these days lol.


dedicated-pedestrian t1_itzk9j1 wrote

That and the propaganda that it's actually Mexicans coming to America instead of folks from all the South American countries we fucked up or displaced from their homes due to climate change.


Fidodo t1_itzme6q wrote

Or escaping violence we encouraged or enabled.


Kattekop_BE t1_iu0lrqf wrote

someone clearly forgot the cartels in Mexico ruining peoples lives resulting ib thousands wanting to freel Mexico...


teslaguy12 t1_iu0jmxv wrote

Just a few months ago the CGNJ was driving around literally blowing up random buildings with grenade launchers and spraying machine guns into buildings full of civilians with impunity, all because the government arrested their leader.

I wouldn't wanna touch Mexico with a 10 foot pole, government is powerless to stop this stuff and civilians aren't allowed the tools to defend themselves from it either.


pelosnecios t1_iu0q0hn wrote

powerless? it's more like unwilling. fucking corrupt government is the problem.


teslaguy12 t1_iu1ce96 wrote

Makes it seem like the legalization of gay marriage is more of a PR move than anything else, if they can't even be bothered to stop cartels from murdering people with machine guns and grenade launchers.


utahmike91 t1_iu1fihi wrote

the cartels outnumber any police force/Mexican army and even if they tried to stop them, the cartels will hang your entire extended family from a bridge including your dogs

unwilling isn't really the right word here

keep in mind the cartels are international crime sydicates that rake in BILLIONS upon billions per year, anything they want they will get


Competitive_Sky8182 t1_iu24c45 wrote

Maybe in USA guns have worked as a deterrent, but as a mexican: More guns would worsen the violence here. Neighbors discussions often end in bloody brawls as they are, ex-husbands/ex-boyfriends are killers, etc


Competitive_Sky8182 t1_iu20u9t wrote

I work in the public health care system in a border state. Can confirm, and some of them have preventable sequels from old fractures they didnt get to rest, decades of untreared diabetes, etc


ElleRisalo t1_iu22jvt wrote

Ya my cousin from Canada is a head nurse in one of the northern states (forget which) and she got hired just because she speaks English and French say most patients who go through are south states Americans.


lcmaier t1_itzqff3 wrote

The Mexican murder rate is 5x the US. Cartels killed like 40 college students with the help of the military in 2014, and the case somehow fell apart. Actual brain rot to think Mexico is a better place, on average, to live than the US


ElleRisalo t1_itzzwev wrote

Did anyone say it was better?


lcmaier t1_iu04bka wrote

What part of "the wall is to keep Americans out lol" was confusing


ElleRisalo t1_iu0g0gg wrote

I didn't say that, is it illiterate day or something.

I said it's to keep Americans in.


lcmaier t1_iu0gfnb wrote

That would imply that Americans want to leave, implying Mexico is more desirable than the US. Why are you being so pedantic about this


ElleRisalo t1_iu0hxxg wrote

I didn't say they want to leave, I said they are crossing the border to get cheaper health care.

The implocation being the US doesn't want Americans doing that.

If you don't understand a comment you shouldn't attempt to infer what people mean....

Also the irony of calling me pedantic...thats rich, ain't my fault you didn't read what I wrote.


Troll-Tollbooth t1_iu0chm6 wrote

Literally you did. Holy shit.


ElleRisalo t1_iu0flmb wrote

I literally didn't.

Brain Rot indeed. Lmao.


Troll-Tollbooth t1_iu1f1ve wrote

Did I misunderstand you implying that the fences were keeping Americans from fleeing into Mexico?


Kattekop_BE t1_iu0lwzc wrote

salty Mexicans downvoting a comment depicting facts?


121PB4Y2 t1_iu00q2v wrote

“College students”.

They were pseudo communist shit stirrers who attended a school known for causing endless trouble, who would block roads and hijack trucks and cars.

Around they fucked and out they found.


lcmaier t1_iu04xs8 wrote

Even if this were true, being a pseudo communist shit stirrer who hijacks cars is not grounds for mass murder!


121PB4Y2 t1_iu05w6d wrote

The reality is, until you've lived in an area terrorized by these types of people, you will not be able to understand why people in Mexico laugh at this situation and say well done.

Which is why people in the US can't see the appeal of Bolsonaro, Bukele and Duterte types, while anyone living in a shithole country says damn that's exactly what we need, and lights a candle for General Pinochet.


maluminse t1_itzgw0p wrote

They have free or reduced cost health care. Rich friend of mine went there for an operation.


Drodriguez164 t1_iu05txa wrote

A lot of people go to central or South American countries for healthcare, my wife’s family are Colombian and always go back for any surgery they want to get done.


maluminse t1_iu0twhw wrote

Isnt that crazy. '1st world' country citizens have to travel for healthcare.


Drodriguez164 t1_iu0xhfv wrote

Yup and I had to go to the hospital for 3 hours where they drugged me up and sent me home (also lost my labs) and they charge me $8000. Thank god I didn’t use an ambulance, I literally told my wife “no ambulance, let’s wait for a Uber”


maluminse t1_iu10o46 wrote

G t f o. 8k

We live in a society which totally reminds me of medieval times where the proletariat scrambled for scraps in the mud while the kings court feasted on the takings from those very same people.


lovinganarchist76 t1_itziqe2 wrote

Lost cost of living, tons of mountain view land for sale cheap, fertile soil in the central portion, decent cell and internet network…

Something tells me I’ll take home more per paycheck down there


dedicated-pedestrian t1_itzkhfp wrote

People who telecommute have been moving to Mexico City a lot for similar reasons, it's driving up housing costs and the locals are not happy about it lol.


mrmotey01 t1_iu0ye3r wrote

They already do that. Not literally but gringos cross the border to get cheap medical and dental assistance.

We even sell them things like Valium without a prescription. Among other things.

Then they get all crazy when we cross the border to literally do the jobs that they don’t want to do just so we can send some money to our families.


SuperCerealShoggoth t1_iu07vda wrote

Trump did say he'd get Mexico to pay for it.

He never specified how they'd achieve that.


Eag310 t1_itzxa96 wrote

They already are... retirement.


Savahoodie t1_itzk0ve wrote

Lmao even when America is ahead of the curve in something they get shit on. Just can’t win.


TechieWithCoffee t1_iu0fh2r wrote

It isn't woke to give America credit for anything positive it's done or has. It detracts from the victim complex


TylenolJonez t1_iu1u6yk wrote

You mean Mexico did something America did years ago?


FoxRush17 t1_iu0ao3w wrote

I think one guy said that… at that rate everyone is a huge bigot.
