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WestShallot9317 t1_iu0ldb2 wrote

MFW when normally conservative, majority Catholic Mexico is more progressive than the USA.

¡Viva México!


Klai8 t1_iu0u83z wrote

Amusing considering the catholic Mexicans in CA were responsible for prop 8 passing…

(Granted there were some Baptist black congregations but in way fewer voting numbers)


ChavitoLocoChairo t1_iu10ik9 wrote

In 2008 even Obama was against gay marriage


Klai8 t1_iu129pq wrote

Yeah that’s why I refuse myself from this lawyer funded political lobbyist bullshit.

It was politically convenient


ChavitoLocoChairo t1_iu10syg wrote

Most countries that have gay marriage are Catholic like Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, France. Canth say the same about Protestant, Muslim, or even Atheist countries like China and Russia.


diosexual t1_iu1i7se wrote

Well, most Mexicans are against this (only 34% support according to the latest poll), it's only become a thing because the left-wing party got a majority in Congress and in most states in recent years.