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LALA-STL t1_iumcdrg wrote

That scenario of “feeding the homeless for one day in NYC” might not solve world hunger, but it would be pretty darn meaningful if you were a hungry person who got a meal.


hak8or t1_iumhe7q wrote

I don't disagree, it could even save their life. Though I don't see what relevance that has to what I said?


LALA-STL t1_iuo5tzb wrote

Sorry, fren. I agree with you too. Your comment just reminded me of the corny story about the kid on a beach who keeps tossing the stranded starfish back into the ocean. His dad says, “Why bother? There’s thousands of starfish on this beach. You won’t make a difference.” So the kid tosses back another starfish & says, “It made a difference to that one.”

Moral of the story: Even if we can’t solve the entire problem, let’s do what we can.