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ScubaClimb49 t1_iux8s1l wrote

Not my country but I question the wisdom of stimulating demand for an highly energy-intensive service during an energy crisis


wirtnix_wolf t1_iuxkz4r wrote

A car ist much Note Energy demanding than a teain. You move 1.5 tons for mostly one Person...think about that


ScubaClimb49 t1_iuxqsoe wrote

A valid point but the counter is that nearly free transportation encourages people to travel in circumstances that they otherwise wouldn't. So it's not as simple as "well they're encouraging people to take public transit instead of drive."

I don't want to drive to Las Vegas this weekend but if you give me a free plane ticket I'm on it.


NorwayNarwhal t1_iuy6hfa wrote

The trains will run regardless of how full they are, though