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GreaterButter t1_ivg2nb0 wrote

I know people are already about to be like "They're playing god!!!" But like, think about how many people this could save? I'm not saying you just all start injecting yourself with lab grown blood and not ask any questions.

But completely ignoring the benefits for people who actually need it is just stupid.


DeepLock8808 t1_ivgxxob wrote

We played god when we made dogs 20,000 years ago. That ship has sailed.

Now give me my glasses and coffee while I listen to music on my pocket supercomputer while reading the sum total of human knowledge in the form of cat memes. As I board a plane. Which was built using knowledge from an unnatural cultural transmission method called “university”.

tl;dr We’ve already hacked our brain’s software to make the impossible possible and we’re getting better at it all the time.