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PhDandanxiety t1_ivtvgm0 wrote

I was in India several weeks ago and it's absolutely amazing to see the vast solar fields they have set up there. It's funny that North America considers itself so advanced, yet is playing dumb games when it comes to the crises we're facing.


starwolf_98 OP t1_ivu01pq wrote

It's amazing. I drove about 1900 kms about two weeks ago and the number of windfarms I saw along the way was astonishing. There were also tens of trailers carrying windblades ready for mounting. It made me really happy.


SilverNicktail t1_ivu9jto wrote

Canada and the USA are both oil producing nations, and despite those companies representing a tiny portion of the workforce, they represent a large percentage of bribery political spending. They're more than happy to fund radicalisation and fascism if it means they can keep wrecking the planet for profit for one more year.

Every province in Canada reduced emissions - the oil-producing one increased emissions to match. Bastards.


c4nchyscksforlife t1_ivunw06 wrote

lobbying is the new bribing lbh


Ompusolttu t1_ivxngn6 wrote

Literally just legal bribing with a few asterisks.


Aigh_Jay t1_ivxusf1 wrote

I don't understand why every single american doesn't see it that way. It's criminal.


Streggle1992 t1_ivwq7mt wrote

Saw a shit-ton of solar and wind farms powering oil derricks while flying over Texas. Renewable energy for the oil I guess